Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Slow Jam the News: Obama and Fallon (Video)

Obama, guest on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, did a comedy bit with Fallon called "Slow Jam the News."

Usually, NBC News anchor Brian Williams does the bit with Fallon.

The Obama version wasn't really slow jamming the news. It was spinning Obama's policy and lying about responsibility for student loan interest rates due to increase in July.

This was shameless politicking, pure campaign crap. Fallon and The Roots eagerly played along.

Usually, the bit is based on a lot of sexual innuendo. That's where the alleged comedy rests. With Obama, however, that was missing. The humor was removed. Even Obama's "Oh yeah" at the end sounded really goofy and not at all in the "slow jam" vein.

Of course, it would have been inappropriate for Obama to engage in a bit that was sexually charged. He was stooping so low as it was. But because the humor was missing, all that was left was partisan political yapping.

The only thing that was funny was watching Obama try to be cool and maintain some presidential dignity. He failed miserably on both counts. Obama looked terribly uncomfortable as he read his lines. The whole thing felt more like a fraternity initiation, meant to embarrass and demean. It really wasn't funny as much as it was pathetic.

Here's the video:

To set the record straight, from AP:

While Obama blames Republicans for voting against new ways to make college more affordable for middle-class families, it was House Democrats who cut interest rates on the school loans in 2007 and included an expiration provision that placed the looming increase in the middle of an election year.

Blame Obama and the Democrats for the increase.

It was not of the Republicans' making.

I wonder if Fallon and his writers know that.

I'm sure Obama knows it.

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