Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cecily McMillan: When 'Pacifists' Attack!

Leftists and the Leftist media are trying to paint the convicted Cecily McMillan as a martyr.

She's a heroine, in their eyes.

"The Crime of Peaceful Protest."

Justice For Cecily -- Give me a break!

The fact is "Pacifist" McMillan is a veteran anti-Scott Walker protester.

Although she is allegedly "deeply committed to nonviolence," she was convicted of "striking Police Officer Grantley Bovell in the face with her elbow on March 17, 2012."

Apparently, video proof of McMillan's FELONY ASSAULT on Officer Bovell was damning evidence of the altercation.

Civil Disobedience requires one to behave in a civil manner.

McMillan assaulted Officer Bovell. That's not civil.

This is priceless, from Business Insider:

After a trial lasting more than four weeks, the jury of eight women and four men reached their verdict in about three hours.

Judge Ronald Zweibel ordered that McMillan, 25, a graduate student at the New School, be detained. He rejected a request from her lawyers for bail.

“I see absolutely no reason why a remand would be appropriate here,” Martin Stolar, her lead attorney, told the judge. “She is not likely to be somebody to cut and run.” Zweibel replied: “Remanded pending sentencing.”

Supporters of McMillan in the courtroom reacted furiously, shouting “shame” and screaming at the more than 30 police officers lining room 1116 at Manhattan criminal court. After half a dozen refused to leave the court, two were carried out by police officers.

...Sentencing was scheduled for 19 May. Her lawyers said she was being taken to the women’s facility at the Riker’s Island jail.

...Prosecutors accused McMillan of attacking Bovell, 35, as he walked her out of Zuccotti Park, in lower Manhattan, where activists had gathered on the night of 17 March 2012 to mark six months of the Occupy movement. Bovell had found her screaming at a female officer, who had asked her to leave the park so that it could be cleaned, prosecutors said.

Assistant district attorney Erin Choi told the court last month that Bovell was walking behind McMillan with his hand on her shoulder. McMillan asked people around her “Are you filming this?”, said Choi, and then “crouched down, then bent her knees, and then aimed her elbow at the officer and then jumped up to strike”.

“Officer Bovell was completely horrified,” said Choi. “This was the last thing he was expecting to happen that day.” Photographs showed that Bovell suffered a black eye. He said that he went on to experience headaches and sensitivity to light.

Prosecutors showed the jury grainy video clips of the incident, downloaded from YouTube, which they said proved McMillan deliberately struck Bovell before attempting to run away. Less than two hours into their deliberations, the jury asked if they could re-watch the video footage. They were given a laptop on which to view it in the jury room.

Stolar, who argued in court that the clips were not clear enough to prove anything, told the Guardian that he thought they were responsible for the conviction. “I think that is the only piece of evidence that a jury could hang its hat on,” he said. “On a quick glance without analysis, it looks like an assault. But it does not show what happened to Cecily.”

...Testifying, McMillan said that she had “no memory” of the moment her elbow struck Bovell. “I’m really sorry that officer got hurt,” she said. She has said that she suffered a seizure or anxiety attack after being arrested, a claim supported by activists who say they saw her convulsing on the pavement, and subsequently received treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Choi, however, described McMillan's account as “so utterly ridiculous and unbelievable that she might as well have said that aliens came down that night and assaulted her”. She said the bruising was not detected during two hospital checks on the night of the incident and suggested that McMillan caused it herself.

In his own testimony, Bovell, a Barbados-born US navy veteran who typically patrols the 40th precinct in the Bronx, said: “I remember the defendant crouching down and, all of a sudden, she lunged her elbow back and hit me in the face.”
McMillan's brand of violent "pacifism" has conseqences.

Screaming at one police officer and assaulting another officer don't sound like the actions of a true pacifist.

They sound like the actions of a violent individual.

Physically assauling a police officer is not "civil" disobedience.

It's violence. 

McMillan has been convicted of felony assault, but is she also a RACIST?

Sounds crazy, right?

Well, hey, if you disagree with Obama, the Leftists claim it must be rooted in race. We hear that crap all the time.

Playing by those rules, it is consistent to suggest that McMillan's crime might have a racial factor. McMillan, the violent self-proclaimed pacifist, is also a racist.

Positively idiotic, isn't it? Not so nice when the tables are turned.

An important lesson from this case:

Words can be empty. Actions matter.


McMillan is not a pacifist.


Listen to Mark Belling discuss what resulted in McMillan's conviction.

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