Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sierra Guyton Shooting: Second Suspect Killed Teen in 2003

When will Mayor Tom Barrett and Police Chief Ed Flynn hold a news conference to express their outrage over the fact that both suspects in the shooting of Sierra Guyton were given a pass by the criminal justice system?

Never. They're too busy trying to blame Scott Walker and state politicians in Madison.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The second man arrested in connection with the shooting of a 10-year-old Milwaukee girl was convicted in a killing more than a decade ago, just a block from the playground where the girl was wounded.

The man is believed to be the person who drew a gun and then came under fire from another man, Sylvester Lewis, in a shooting that left third-grader Sierra Guyton caught in the cross-fire May 21 while she was on the playground of her school at N. 28th and W. Clarke streets.

...The Journal Sentinel has obtained the identity of the second suspect, but authorities have requested the man's name be withheld as the investigation continues. His case had not been referred to the Milwaukee County district attorney's office as of Thursday morning.

The second suspect, a 28-year-old Milwaukee man, was arrested about 2 p.m. Wednesday at a state probation and parole office in Milwaukee.

In 2005, he pleaded guilty to second-degree reckless homicide. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison — with credit for 900 days, or nearly 2 1/2 years, for time served — meaning he likely would have been released from prison in early 2013. He also was sentenced to eight years of extended supervision.

The man initially had been charged with first-degree intentional homicide in a fatal shooting that occurred in the 2500 block of N. 28th St. about 1 a.m. May 17, 2003. The 17-year-old male victim was treated at Froedtert Hospital for two gunshot wounds to the head and died two days later from his injuries.

According to the 2003 criminal complaint:

The man, then 17, told police he paid the victim $25 to borrow a handgun about two days before the shooting. The victim provided a .32-caliber gun, and the next day, he asked for the firearm to be returned after he heard gunshots in the neighborhood. The man told the victim he wasn't done using it.

The next day, the victim demanded the gun back and the man told police he saw the victim reach into his pocket and pull a gun. The man said he drew his gun at the same time and then fired four shots at the victim.

Prosecutors later filed an amended complaint charging the man with second-degree reckless homicide, which carried a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison and 10 years on extended supervision.
Extended supervision may make Leftist hearts happy, but it's not working out when it comes to keeping the community safe.

Clearly, the 28-year-old suspect was not rehabilitated while in prison for his role in the shooting of the 17-year-old in 2003.

When a system is broken, and this one is, it's time to fix it.

When will a march protesting the inexcusable failings by our criminal justice system, allowing thugs to be put back on the streets, be organized?

Probably when Tom Barrett and Ed Flynn express their outrage over the bleeding heart Leftists' sentencing practices.


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