Walid Shoebat has assembled information about Robert Bowe Bergdahl, father of the soldier released as a result of Obama's deal to let five Taliban terrrorist leaders free from Gitmo.
Robert Bergdahl shares his son's anti-Americanism.
He worships Allah. He's cozy with the Taliban. He's into YouTube jihadist videos.
Shoebat writes:
[A] video favorited by Bergdahl, is a Muslim jihadist terrorist video uploaded by the Afghan Islamic Emirate (the same group the 5 terrorists, who Obama helped released and who Bergdahl praisingly communicated with, were a part of) on August 5, 2013, in which a verse from the Koran is chanted:Shoebat continues:
Fight them, so that there will be no mischief, and the religion will be all Allah’s (Surah 39)The rest of the video is in Pharsi:
It appears that Bergdahl speaks Pharsi, since the video is in Pharsi, and he speaks to his son in Pharsi. The video also shows the logo of the Afghan Islamic Emirate. The video also shows dead American soldiers and praises the killing of them.
Bob, Sgt. Bergdahl’s father was also in direct communications with one of the top three Taliban spokespersons named Abdulqader Balkhi. Was he planning to smoke a Hukkah? Drink Afghan tea?Good Lord!
He had messaged this top Taliban spokesperson a message for future victories:
I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every afghan child, amen!Also, if you look up Robert Bowe Bergdahl on Intelius, it says that he worked for the Taliban:
Abdulqahar Balkhi is one of three main spokespersons for the Afghan Islamic Emirate an Islamic terrorist organization, the same terrorist organization who the five terrorist that Obama released were a part of. This makes the entire story very suspicious. Obama trades five Muslims who are part of a terrorist group, for a man whose father is associated with the same terrorist group.
Balkhi is also a spokesperson for the Taliban.
Balkhi was the main spokesperson for Taliban when the U.S. Embassey was attacked in Kabul.
So what did America gain from all this? Nothing, it was the Taliban who gained. Those released were top major terrorist leaders. One of them, Muhammad Fadel, was one of the Taliban’s senior military commanders and the Taliban army Chief of staff of the tenth Division Commander, and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. Another one, Khairullah Khairkhwa, was the interior minister in the Taliban regime. He is also one of the most prominent Taliban officials since its inception in 1994, so he is considered one of the most respected and most influential in the movement. He was detained by Pakistani authorities in 2002 and handed over to the United States , according to the same source.
The other one, Mullah Norullah Noori, was responsible for Balkh province (north) in the Taliban regime. He was arrested in November 2001.
And another one is Abdul Haq Wasiq, deputy director of intelligence in the Taliban regime. He is also one of the founders of the movement and was arrested in late 2001.
Obama hugged this man, Robert Bergdahl. At the very least, Bergdahl is a terrorist sympathizer. He supports the release of these enemies of our country.
Very troubling.
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