Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#FreePalestine: Rihanna and Dwight Howard

Twitter hashtags can be a problem for celebrities and professional athletes.

Some aren't too bright.

If rich and famous people are pro-Palestinian and they want to show their support with #FreePalestine, then that's their choice.

What's funny is when the rich and famous are genuinely ignorant about the conflict and they're shocked when they're called to explain their allegiance to people like the Muslim Brotherhood.

It's funny that the likes of Dwight Howard and Rihanna are held accountable for their pro-Palestinian remarks. It's funny that the public demands an explanation from them. They are forced to come up with excuses. They need to to do damage control. They must apologize.

Obama, on the other hand, isn't expected to explain his failure to adquately support our longtime ally, Israel.

That's not right.

Poor Michelle is probably struggling to keep from tweeting #FreePalestine.

By the way, did someone "BringBackOurGirls"?

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