Friday, July 26, 2024

Media Rewrite Kamala Harris - 5 Hoaxes

The Democrat Cabal is once again hard at work to deceive the American people.

Tulsi Gabbard Exposes Kamala Harris

Paris Olympics - The Last Supper

This really is shameful. It's unfortunate the International Olympic Committee signed off on this. The Opening Ceremony sets the tone for the Olympic Games. It should be joyful and unifying.

The Paris Olympics are beginning with a message of religious intolerance and hate. So, not good.
Involving a child in this was a stunningly bad choice. Awful.

CNN Roundtable: People Don't Like Kamala

This is hilarious, from April 26, 2024, "The Kamala Quandary."


Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, pushed a conspiracy theory while testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, suggesting it was uncertain that President Trump was hit by a bullet during the rally on July 13, 2024.

Now, Wray is revealed to be a thoroughly disgraced hack. The FBI's release of this "clarification" is not enough. I want to know why Christopher Wray, DIRECTOR of the FBI, floated a Leftist conspiracy theory. He needs to explain why he chose to sow uncertainty.

Clearly, Wray and the FBI are working to discredit President Trump, like always.

The FBI operation to undermine Trump is still alive and well.

Defund the FBI.

Update on President Trump's Recovery From Bullet Wound

Christopher Wray and the Assassination Attempt on Trump

Christopher Wray is an absolute disgrace.

Wray, the FBI, and J6

Of course, Christopher Wray is hiding something. The FBI does not the serve the people. We know it's been weaponized against Americans.

Kamala Harris - Willie Brown Era

Get to know Kamala's real history.

Kamala Harris and Defund the Police

If you care about crime and long for safety in your community, don't support Kamala Harris.

She's a far Left radical.

Kamala Accepts Endorsement

Another hilarious take from Estee Palti.

Paris Olympics - Opening Ceremony

Good grief.

Mick Jagger - 81

Mick Jagger was born 81 years ago today.

Kamala Harris and the Minnesota Freedom Fund

You can't rewrite history. Not on X.

Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris

Michelle Obama posted this on X at 4:01 AM CT. Obviously, the endorsement is meant to monopolize the news this morning.

What a surprise! Barack and Michelle Obama called Kamala Harris. They called to endorse her!

This phone call seems totally unrehearsed, doesn't it? It doesn't sound at all like there was a script. You can tell Kamala didn't see this endorsement coming and it took her totally off guard.

They aren't very good actors. The call comes off so phony, so staged. Does Michelle usually say, "Hey, there"? Maybe she does.

Barack is definitely planning on a fourth term.

Kamala Harris 'In Charge' of Keeping Illegal Immigrants in Home Countries

Kamala Harris cannot distance herself from her failure as BORDER CZAR. The border has been a disaster on her watch. She did nothing to stop the invasion.

Olympic Flame

Is this person transgender? A transvestite?

Whatever, this is insulting to women.

Democrats Already Cheating - Smurfing

Corrupt to the core.

Biden Still the President, Still Has Dementia

Although Biden was toppled in a coup and removed as the Democrats' presidential nominee, he still is the president and he still has dementia.

It is unacceptable to permit the Biden presidency hoax to continue.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden Toppled in Coup

The Biden presidency hoax has morphed into the Kamala candidate hoax.

This isn't what democracy looks like. It's not how the American people elect their leaders.

John Kirby: Iran Funding Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel, Anti-America Protests

Kamala Harris is Iran's useful idiot.

Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan - 'Gender-Affirming Care'

Atrocities are being committed on children in plain sight.

Jordan Peterson says, "At least the goddamn Nazis admitted what they did was wrong. They tried to hide it. We trumpet it as a moral virtue."

Ron DeSantis: Kamala's Disastrous VP Tenure

Bottom line: Kamala Harris is as bad as Biden.

Kamala Harris - BORDER CZAR

Kamala Harris, BORDER CZAR, is a failure. Americans will suffer as a result. Kamala's incompetence has consequences.

Media Before and After Biden Dropped Out

The Regime Media do what they do best. They lie to advance the Democrat/Marxist/Leftist agenda.

Netflix's Reed Hastings Donates $7 Million to Kamala

The money is rolling in for Kamala because she can say hello to someone without relying on a notecard.

Peter Doocy to KJP: Enemies Know 'There's Nobody in Charge'

We all know Biden isn't in charge. There is a vacuum of leadership.

25th amendment time.

Democrats Given Kamala Border Czar Talking Points

This is why the Democrats/Marxists/Leftists all parrot the exact same lines. Lawmakers are expected to regurgitate the propaganda, and they do.

Mike Johnson, House Republicans Replace American Flags Removed by Protesters

Well done.

Remember, the pro-Hamas protests are actually anti-America protests.

Democrat Party - Anti-Semitic

Democrats embrace anti-Semites.

Kamala Harris embraces the pro-Hamas protesters.

That's the reality.

Kamala Harris Makeover

GovTrack Tries to Erase Kamala's Liberal Ranking

The fact is Kamala Harris is a far-Left radical.

Harris and the Democrats are afraid of that truth. They must hide it from Americans in order to win elections.

I'm sick of the Democrats' lies. Their deception defines them and their war on Americans. It's one cover-up after another. Enough already.

Newsweek: Poll Shows Trump Voters Flip to Harris

Yeah right.

Biden Lie: 'Not at War Anywhere in the World'

"Combat deployment" sounds like war to me.

Biden just does his best to read the script his handlers feed him. He doesn't know what he's saying.

He's more unfit to serve as president every day.

The Biden Regime is founded on the deception of the American people.

Biden's Painful Address to the Nation

Biden's speech was a painful exhibition. I suppose he/his puppet masters wanted to deliver an address for posterity and all, but it was just sad.

His slurring is getting worse. He's becoming weaker with each passing week. He read the teleprompter, as best he could, which is not good.

Biden didn't offer any information as to why he changed his mind about running for reelection. In a matter of hours over the weekend, he went from insisting he was in it to win it to quitting. Americans deserve an explanation. The guy does work for us.

There was nothing memorable in Biden's speech, delivering no new information whatsoever about his about-face. He said nothing profound. This was no insight to be gained by the people. In short, it was an entirely unnecessary exercise. It was an insult.

I got the feeling Biden was bound by a nondisclosure agreement and he didn't want to forfeit the cash and other benefits he received in the settlement. Biden's words were shallow. He didn't look sincere. He delivered his remarks with his customary emptiness. His unusual and disturbingly orange spray tan, the new look he has donned since his disastrous debate, provided the exclamation point to Biden's lame duck status, capping his fraudulent tenure.

It's fitting that the Biden presidency hoax would near its end shrouded in more lies and darkness. Biden's surrender speech is just another lie we're expected to swallow, another aspect of the coup cover-up.

Biden's presidency began steeped in corruption and it's ending the same way.

And yet, after all this, the question remains: Who is running country?

I want names.

Kamala Brainstorming

Learn About Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris and her radical Leftist policies are bad for the country.

Dylan Goes Electric, Newport Folk Festival - 59 Years Ago Today

Fifty-nine years ago, July 25, 1965, Bob Dylan went electric at the Newport Folk Festival.

So, did people really boo him?

That's debatable.

Whatever actually happened more than half a century ago doesn't really matter.

Dylan's performance is accepted as a moment that changed the history of rock and roll.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala's Crazy Liberal Record

Americans don't want what Kamala Harris is selling.

Trump: 'No Thanks, Kamala'

No thanks, Kamala. No thanks.

I prefer to vote for a better life for Americans. It's that simple.

Trump - Charlotte, NC Rally

The media went nuts yesterday because 3,000 people showed up at a high school gym for a Kamala Harris rally in West Allis, Wisconsin.

It looks like President Trump has a larger crowd in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Brian Kilmeade and the 'Colored Sorority'

The Democrats have nothing. Under Biden-Harris, they've done untold damage to the country and brought daily suffering to the American people.

What to do? They can't talk about policies. They can't talk about reality. So, they make up a scandal. They focus on a lie. They cry, "RACISM."

Brian Kilmeade is under attack for saying "college sorority."
Claire McCaskill is a piece of work.

Wisconsin Voters Slam Kamala Harris for Covering Up Biden's Condition

Kamala Harris is part of the cover-up. She can't be trusted. She's conniving and dishonest.

Dave McCormick Destroys Bob Casey and Kamala Harris

Well done.

Dukes of Maga

The MAGA Coalition - It's fun here.

Kamala Harris Border Czar Denial

Biden/Biden puppet masters charged Kamala Harris with managing the border. That is a fact.

Of course, Democrats will lie. It's what they do.

Fetterman Wears A Suit for Netanyahu Address


Netanyahu Snubs Schumer

READ: "The Humiliating Cowardice of Schumer and Nadler"

Kamala Harris Boycotts Netanyahu

Kamala Harris stands with pro-Hamas, anti-America domestic terrorists. That doesn't sit well with me.

Elon Musk Attends Netanyahu Address

Patriot Musk.

Rashida Tlaib - Pro-Hamas, Anti-America Democrat

Well said, Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Pro-Hamas Protesters Remove and Burn American Flags at Union Station

Don't think these thugs are staging anti-Israel protests. They are anti-American to the core. They support Kamala Harris.

Democrat Party Base Defaces Statues

Kamala Harris kowtows to these thugs. They hate America. That's why they hate the MAGA coalition.

Christopher Wray Testimony - Crooks and 8 'Cartridges on the Roof'

The reason to give an evasive answer is to evade providing a direct and honest answer.

Cartridges? Shell casings?

Christopher Wray would not say that Thomas Crooks fired eight shots.

Why respond to a simple question with a shadowy answer? It's as if Wray is intentionally creating doubt.

New Video Of Trump Assassination Attempt

Thomas Crooks pointed his gun at rallygoers. He had so much time before being neutralized.

Kim Cheatle's resignation doesn't end this.

Kamala Harris Raised Money to Bail Out Criminals in 2020

Americans know Kamala Harris is a ditz with a weird, piercing cackle that she hauls out as a crutch. There's a lot more that Americans need to learn about Harris.

Trump Assassination Plot Cover-up

No accountability. The Biden Regime is a disgrace.

Father of Thomas Crooks

We have so little information at this point, and what we do know just raises more questions.

Bodycam Footage From Rooftop After Trump Shooting

Dangerous sloped roof. Sure.

Kamala Harris - DEI Hire

It is what it is.

Kamala Cackles in Wisconsin

What's so funny, Kamala?


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Biden Surfaces, Barely

Rather than staging a coup, they should have gone the 25th amendment route. That would have been appropriate.

Culinary Workers Union Endorses Trump's 'No Tax on Tips'

President Trump, for the peope.

Quinnipiac: Trump +19 Over Harris - Age 18-34

Maybe younger Americans want peace and prosperity.

'DEI' Does Not Equal 'N-Word'

Biden declared he would choose a black woman to be his VP running mate. All potential candidates had to have the proper skin color and gender. Without those characteristics, a candidate would be eliminated.

THAT is racist.

Equating "DEI" with the N-word is just more race-baiting BS.

Kamala Harris Boycotts Netanyahu's Speech

This is a major mistake by Kamala Harris.

Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone - Explosion

Is this because of plastic straws?

Reasons to Reject Kamala Harris

This is why the Democrat puppet masters tried to prop up Biden for the 2024 election and not stage a coup to remove him sooner. Kamala Harris has serious problems, beyond Biden's baggage. Her record is a disaster and she's a terrible campaigner. She's abusive to her staff, resulting in frequent, massive turnover.

And, perhaps most importantly, she has a likability problem. She's the most unpopular vice president in modern history.

INSURRECTION: Anti-Semitic Rioters Occupy Capitol

Go to work, FBI. Throw these insurrectionists in jail.

4-in-10 Americans Worried About Making Ends Meet in Harris-Biden Economy

Americans can thank the Harris-Biden Regime for their economic suffering.

I want to return to the peace and prosperity we enjoyed when President Trump was in the Oval Office.

Chuck Schumer Supports Kamala Harris - AWKWARD

Echoes of Jeb Bush.

CHUCK SCHUMER: So now that the process has played out, from the grassroots bottom-up, we are hear today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Process"? "Grassroots"? "Bottom-up"?

We saw a coup play out. Does Schumer mean the coup process? Is he referring to grassroots elites?

No process involving the voters played out. Biden was ousted and Harris was selected. The alleged process was an utter humiliation for Biden and the Democrats. Anti-American people process.

Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez Will Resign

From AP:
U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez is resigning from office Aug. 20 following his conviction for taking bribes for corrupt acts including acting as an agent of the Egyptian government, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

Menendez had insisted after the July 16 verdict that he was innocent and promised to appeal. The person who told the AP about Menendez’s resignation did so on the condition of anonymity because the New Jersey Democrat’s decision hadn’t been made public. Menendez’s attorney hasn’t returned messages seeking comment.
Democrat Bob Menendez was convicted of taking bribes and "acting as an agent of the Egyptian government."

That Democrat corruption is a big deal. Of course, the corrupt acts of the Biden Crime Family are a much bigger deal.

Kim Cheatle Resigns

Kim Cheatle's resignation comes way too late. Her role in the assassination attempt on President Trump needs to be thoroughly investigated. The Secret Service cover-up is still going full speed ahead.

Kamala in West Allis

Kamala Harris is in Wisconsin today, holding the first rally of her campaign in West Allis.

Her plane landed in Milwaukee roughly 48 hours after that weird retirement letter allegedly from Biden appeared on X. Prior to that bizarre PDF, Harris was backing mentally and physically frail Biden for president.

Then came the switcheroo. Within two days, Harris raised $100 million and amassed the necessary delegates to attain the Democrat nomination.

Considering absolutely NO ONE voted for her to be the nominee, I don't think that's much of an accomplishment.

It's a rigged system.

Harris is a puppet, just like Biden. She doesn't have dementia, but other than that, she's a puppet.

And Democrat voters are completely irrelevant.

Kamala Harris: Dangerously Liberal

Kamala Harris Campaigns in Milwaukee Today

From AP:

Vice President Kamala Harris is making her first visit to a battleground state Tuesday after locking up enough support from Democratic delegates to win her party’s nomination to challenge Republican former President Donald Trump, two days after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid.

As the Democratic Party continues to coalesce around her, Harris is traveling to Milwaukee, where she will hold her first campaign rally since she launched her campaign on Sunday with Biden’s endorsement. Harris has raised more than $100 million since Sunday afternoon and has scored the backing of Democratic officials and political groups.

Kamala Harris raised $100 million in a day and a half, and secured enough Democrat delegates to win the nomination after Democrat thugs forced Biden to drop out of the race.

The plot to depose Biden, beginning with that early debate in June, is an affront to the American people. A small cabal directed Biden's removal and selected Harris. No one cast a primary vote for her. I don't know what this is but it's not democracy. It's not government of the people, by the people, for the people.

It's rigged.

So where and when is the Harris rally?

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, those details aren't available yet. How can that be?
Her trip to Milwaukee was announced just after the Republican National Convention ended in the same city — but before Biden dropped out and endorsed Harris as his replacement. White House officials confirmed Monday the trip was still on.

It's not yet clear where Harris will speak in Milwaukee, and at what time. Follow along with the Journal Sentinel as we share updates about the details of Harris' trip, what she'll talk about and how Wisconsin politicians respond.

...Where will Kamala Harris speak in Milwaukee?

The location where Harris will speak in Milwaukee hasn't been announced.

Harris could make only one stop, or she could visit multiple locations in Milwaukee — it's not clear yet.

When will Kamala Harris speak in Milwaukee?

This also isn't known yet.
Why wouldn't details be set at this point? This wasn't a surprise visit. It was announced when the RNC ended.


Biden's fake campaign, followed by his fake presidency, and then another fake campaign has morphed into Harris's fake nomination and fake campaign.

This should give pause to every American.

Where's Biden?

Kamala's Biggest Accomplishment as VP


What a liar!

Ro Khanna Tells Cheatle to Resign

I hope the Biden puppet masters are listening. Kim Cheatle needs to be fired.

J.D. Vance: 'Border Crisis Is a Kamala Harris Crisis'

Kamala Harris must account for every single disastrous Biden Regime decision.

As the Border Czar, Harris owns the invasion and all its consequences.

Biden Experienced 'Full Blown Medical Emergency' in Vegas

The Biden presidency is nothing but a series of lies, cover-ups, and scandals.

Coup: Mission Accomplished

Ruthless people.

Nancy Pelosi: The Easy Way or the Hard Way

In other words, Biden didn't make a patriotic move. He didn't make a choice for the good of the country or his political party. He was forced to drop out of the race by Democrat thugs, like Nancy Pelosi.

Biden had no choice. He didn't choose to leave the race. Biden didn't make the decision, just like everything else that took place during his hoax of a presidency.

Democrat Party Set to Install Kamala Harris

Democracy dies with Democrats.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden Is Out

RFK Jr.: Kamala Harris - 'Concealer-in-Chief'

Explain, Kamala.

Pat Fallon to Cheatle: 'Go Back to Guarding Doritos'

Biden/Biden puppet masters must fire Kim Cheatle now.

Blinken and the 'Black Man' Going to Asia

From Reuters:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin head to Asia this week to reassure allies and partners of U.S. support, the State Department’s top official for East Asia said on Monday, as the November U.S. presidential election casts uncertainty over Washington’s foreign policy.

U.S. tensions with China will provide the backdrop to the trip. Blinken is expected to meet his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on the sidelines of regional meetings in Laos, Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Kritenbrink told reporters. Blinken and Austin will hold security talks with U.S. allies Japan and the Philippines.
Will Biden ever learn the name of his secretary of defense?

Not likely.
Biden is getting heat for not knowing Lloyd Austin's name after four years and calling him "the black man," not for appointing him secretary of defense. If Biden wants to treat him with dignity, he should learn Austin's name.

Biden Steps Down on National Ice Cream Day

Maybe the Biden puppet masters thought the historic humiliation Biden suffered would be soothed a bit with a great big cone of chocolate chip ice cream.

Netanyahu Arrives in U.S. - Biden, Blinken, Harris Not There to Greet Him

Biden allegedly still has COVID and is OD'ing on Paxlovid. I guess he has an excuse.

For Kamala Harris to snub the prime minister of Israel is not a good look for the vice president and potential/probable Democrat candidate for president. This was an opportunity for her to appear presidential and she blew it off. She must really hate Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.

As far as Antony Blinken goes, we know he does everything he can to undermine and insult our ally.

President Trump never did and never would treat Prime Minister Netanyahu like this.

Obama Reassures Nation

I think this story belongs on Not the Bee.

Jared Moskowitz, Raja Krishnamoorthi Question Kim Cheatle

Even the Democrats acknowledge that someone must be held accountable for the assassination attempt on President Trump, and take Kim Cheatle to task.

Jim Jordan Questions Kim Cheatle

] Kim Cheatle is a disgrace.

I am sick of Biden Regime officials claiming to be unprepared to testify and unable to provide answers. Completely unacceptable.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene Questions Kim Cheatle

Kim Cheatle must resign or be fired.

If that doesn't happen, I will be convinced there was a conspiracy to kill President Trump.

Actually, I'm pretty convinced of that already.

Nancy Mace Questions Kim Cheatle

Nancy Mace does not mince words while questioning Kim Cheatle.

Kamala Talks to 'Toddler' Biden


Kamala Coup Complete

Man in the Gray Suit - Trump Assassination Attempt

What the hell?

Biden Gets TEN Doses of Paxlovid

That's a lot of Paxlovid!

Of course, the Big Guy's doctor, Kevin O'Connor, is the same guy who declared Biden to be of sound mind and in no need of a cognitive test.

I don't think he's a very good doctor. I know he's a liar.

Biden Calls Into Kamala Campaign HQ

He's alive! Maybe.

Biden hasn't sounded this strong and coherent for years. Still no photos or video of Biden.

I don't trust anything that comes from this White House.

The timing of this phone call, allegedly proving Biden is alive and somewhat well, is an effort to deflect from Kim Cheatle's disastrous appearance before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Josh Shapiro and Democrats' Anti-Semitism

The Democrat Party is a mess.


Kamala Harris and the Biden Cover-up

Kamala Harris owns the abysmal Biden-Harris record. She'll have to defend the border invasion, record-setting inflation, wars, all of it. She'll have to explain her lies about Biden's physical and mental condition. She'll have to explain her role in the cover-up, her role in deceiving the American people. Good luck with that.

Kamala: Time to Be Unburdened

Estee's Kamala Cackle is perfect.

Tulsi Gabbard Embarrasses Kamala Harris