Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ann Coulter: Obama and Boos and Balls

This is a great column by Ann Coulter, "More Boos Than Balls."

In her discussion of the 44th president, she illustrates the hypocrisy and the double standards that are hallmarks of the liberals and their media.

It will not be easy for President B. Hussein Obama. More than half the country voted for him, and yet our newspapers are brimming with snippy remarks at every little aspect of his inauguration.

Here's a small sampling of the churlishness in just The New York Times:

-- The American public is bemused by the tasteless show-biz extravaganza surrounding Barack Obama's inauguration today.

-- There is something to be said for some showiness in an inauguration. But one felt discomfited all the same.

-- This is an inauguration, not a coronation.

-- Is there a parallel between Mrs. Obama's jewel-toned outfit and somebody else's glass slippers? Why limousines and not shank's mare?

-- It is still unclear whether we are supposed to shout "Whoopee!" or "Shame!" about the new elegance the Obamas are bringing to Washington.

Boy, talk about raining on somebody's parade! These were not, of course, comments about the inauguration of the angel Obama; they are (slightly edited) comments about the inauguration of another historic president, Ronald Reagan, in January 1981.

The contrast between how Obama was treated and the sort of treatment dished out to Reagan couldn't be more dramatic.

The media's slobbering, glowing, gleaming coverage of Obama's inauguration was really remarkable. It dripped with such overt bias that it was laughable. It was an SNL skit.

Coulter goes on to note Reagan's graciousness to his predecessor, Jimmy Carter, in his inaugural address, as well as the boorish behavior of some of Obama's inauguration attendees.

She writes:

Obama was also not as fulsome in his praise of his predecessor as Reagan was. To appreciate how remarkable this is, recall that Reagan's predecessor was Jimmy Carter.

Under Carter, more than 50 Americans were held hostage by a two-bit terrorist Iranian regime for 444 days -- released the day of Reagan's inauguration. Under Bush, there has not been another terrorist attack since Sept. 11, 2001.

But I gather that if Obama had uttered anything more than the briefest allusion to Bush, that would have provoked yet more booing from the Hope-and-Change crowd, which moments earlier had showered Bush with boos when he walked onto the stage. That must be the new tone we've been hearing so much about.

So maybe liberals can stop acting as if the entire nation could at last come together in a "unity of purpose" if only conservatives would stop fomenting "conflict and discord" -- as Obama suggested in his inaugural address. We're not the ones who booed a departing president.

Those boos directed at President Bush will not be forgotten.

In that moment, that display of churlishness, the liberals defined themselves, who they really are.

Coulter draws more distinctions between the comportment of liberals and conservatives.

She concludes:

Liberals always have to play the victim, acting as if they merely want to bring the nation together in hope and unity in the face of petulant, stick-in-the-mud conservatives. Meanwhile, they are the ones booing, heckling and publicly fantasizing about the assassination of those who disagree with them on policy matters.

Hope and unity, apparently, can only be achieved if conservatives would just go away -- and perhaps have the decency to kill themselves.

Republicans are not the ones who need to be told that "the time has come to set aside childish things" -- as Obama said of his own assumption of the presidency. Remember? We're the ones who managed to gaze upon Carter at the conclusion of his abomination of a presidency without booing.

She nails it.

I keep thinking about the "We Are One" lie.

I guess it all depends on what the meaning of "we" is.

Obama and his followers do not define "we" as including conservatives. "We" could never include President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

Unity? No. Not now. Not all.

That booing will echo for a long, long time.

Those are the voices that make up the foundation of the Obama era, and what a shaky foundation it is.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."


  1. It was not just liberals who were were happy to see GWB go. Last time I checked, nearly 80% of the people in the United States thought GWB was doing a bad job as president. At the same time, 80% of the people approve of Obama. So unless 80% of the people have suddenly become liberals, there are quite a few independents and republicans thankful for GWB's departure and BHO's arrival.

  2. You fail to address the disgraceful behavior by the boors at Obama's inauguration.

    You fail to address the utter lack of professionalism on the part of the media.

    I don't care if 99.9% of people surveyed stated that President Bush was doing a bad job. The President of the United States should not have been booed during the ceremony. It was a stunningly inappropriate, childish display.


    Moreover, your 80% pro-Obama figure is misleading.

    Speaking as an Independent and as a conservative, wishing an incoming president well for the good of the country is hardly the same as approval of policies.

    It's hilarious that you would even dare to compare any sort of approval of Obama, now Day 2 as president, with President Bush, in office for eight years.

    Apples and oranges.

  3. It's not completely apples and oranges, Mary. If we compare the beginning of the Obama administration to the beginning of the Bush administration, there are stark differences in terms of approval ratings and the mood of the country. Bush barely made it into the White House in 2000, the Florida recounts leaving a divided and angry country in his wake. Obama won by a landslide, and the vast majority of Americans are welcoming his presidency with open arms. You're right that approval ratings aren't worth much, but you also must admit that the contrast is stark.

    I am dumbfounded every time I hear a conservative complain when liberals don't show respect for George W. Bush. Do you forget the Clinton years so quickly? The vitriol and the disdain conservatives showed for that president? Both sides have acted poorly at times; PLEASE don't try to pretend that Republicans take the high road.

    Lastly, I believe that most members of the media were not treating the inauguration as a political event, but as what it was - the inauguration of a new president. It wasn't the appropriate venue for pundits to be examining his policies. When there are 1.8 million joyous people on the Mall celebrating, it seems reasonable that the bulk of news coverage would be of them. Nonetheless, I recall reading a number of articles, including the the New York Times, reporting on the perspectives of Americans who voted for McCain.

    There's no denying that the press loves Obama, although I suspect it has more to do with his star appeal and ability to sell papers than journalists' personal leanings. But again, don't try to rewrite history - the American media unquestioningly promoted everything coming out of the Bush White House during his first few years. The conservative, pro-war bias of the media in 2003 was mind-blowing. And let's not forget the field day that they had with Clinton's scandals - his right-wing detractors couldn't have hoped for a more friendly forum than the mainstream media.

    To recap:

    1) Most Americans like Obama at this point. They may change their minds over the next 4 years, but for now it's indisputable.

    2) For the vast majority of conservatives (not all, I'm sure), it's disgustingly hypocritical to complain about the left's treatment of Bush.

    3) The media is much more interested in ratings than in promoting an ideology. THAT is the true bias. It swings from right to left depending on which will sell more papers.

    Just give the guy a shot. I'm a liberal and didn't completely give up on Bush until about 2 years into his presidency.

  4. August 26,

    Where do you get your statistics? First you say over half the population in the United States agrees with the murder of the unborn and infants -- abortion and infanticide. Then you say 80% of the people disapprove of Bush. The Drive-by Media is not a legitimate source for statistics, nor is your own jumbled brain.

    People like you annoy me to no end. You don't get to make up statistics and then act like you're really in touch with reality.

    B. Hussein Obama's inaugural crowd set the tone for how I will salute Obama's last day of office (may it come in 4 years, please God). It may be the best day of my life yet!

    I miss Bush. And I was really upset with him recently for his bailouts, but I miss him. He at least had class. That is much more than we can say for the new crowd in the White House.


    I am dumbfounded when the leftists act self-righteous when Republicans expect some sort of class and dignity with respect to the outgoing president when you expect us to ALL accept Obama's socialism/Marxism and throw our values and previous beliefs about this country in the trash so that Obama can do whatever he wants and silence whoever he wants that speaks the TRUTH about him. When do you think they'll start putting people in jail for actively and outspokenly disagreeing with them? Fortunately, the Most High GOD is on our side, so we'll see how long this catastrophe lasts.

    And Alison, liberals aren't as sure as conservatives about what they do and don't believe. Your 'open mind' makes it much easier for you to give a bad idea a shot. We can see a bad idea when it rears its ugly head.

    And I don't like to be so negative. But as my pastor Reverend James David Manning of ATLAH says, there is a time for love and there is a time for hate. And it's just TIME to speak out against the evil of Barack Obama.


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