Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lee Holloway and Scott Walker: SMILE!

County Board Chairman Lee Holloway seems to have really lost it.

He's angry with Scott Walker. He thinks Walker tipped off Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Daniel Bice about the excellent inauguration adventure taken by Milwaukee County supervisors Toni Clark and Elizabeth Coggs at taxpayers' expense.

Holloway is upset that Clark and Coggs were busted, which is nuts.

Even Clark and Coggs admit they're guilty of wrong-doing. They've vowed to pay back the thousands of tax dollars they used to go to Barack Obama's inauguration.

But Holloway doesn't see it that way. He's fuming, and not at Clark and Coggs.

Daniel Bice writes:

Holloway said in the statement that the Republican county boss [Scott Walker] was under fire for saying he wouldn't take any federal economic stimulus money for the county. So, the board chairman speculated, Walker tipped off the newspaper to the taxpayer-funded trip by Supervisors Toni Clark and Elizabeth Coggs.

Holloway wrote in his letter:
You know that you were behind the scenes pulling the strings that led to the news articles. Who else could it have been? You arranged for Dan Bice to get that information, knowing full well that the Supervisors' trip to Washington was a legitimate use of their individual office accounts. After I do all the heavy lifting - to the tune of $450 million in possible economic stimulus projects for Milwaukee County - you make an issue out of $3,800.

Holloway went on to describe Walker's supposed tip as a "brilliant chess move."
You duped the media and you know it. I bet it was a huge relief to finally put your negative coverage to rest. Nice move, Scott.

Holloway ends the note, bizarrely, by signing it "Lee" with a picture of a smiley face.

That is so weird.

I don't see how Holloway can think Walker duped the media.

Wrong is wrong. What Clark and Coggs did was wrong. Taxpayers shouldn't pick up the bill for their trip to the inauguration.

It's so strange that Holloway would accuse Walker of leaking information about Clark and Coggs to deflect attention from him. The media aren't exactly in Walker's pocket. He's no Obama. Walker doesn't control what they cover.

The story picked up steam because people view what Clark and Coggs did to be inappropriate. That has nothing to do with Walker.

Holloway shouldn't blame Walker for the failings of Clark and Coggs and he shouldn't be charging Walker with making a "brilliant chess move."

This isn't a game.

Furthermore, I don't see why Holloway considers $3,800 insignificant. He exhibits a rather cavalier attitude in that regard.

Holloway is really out of touch. He doesn't understand why the story resonates with people. Taxpayers do care about the way their money is spent.

And then there's the signature.

If I had to guess, there is no way I would say that's a man's signature. I wouldn't say it's an adult woman's signature. It's so juvenile. He signs his name like a girl in junior high.

Given the content of the letter, the smiley face is actually kind of creepy.

I think of the Joker. Creepy.


  1. He's a clown. He's my supervisor, unfortunately. He's getting an email. I'll let you know what he says.

  2. I want to know if he signs with a smiley.


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