Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ms. Magazine: Obama Super-Feminist Cover

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Super-Feminist Obama!

What a message!

It's Superman! It's the Messiah! It's Obama!

Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

Mild-mannered Barack Obama may look like a Clark Kent-type; but underneath the blue suit and the American flag lapel pin, he's Super-Feminist! He's ready to save damsels in distress.

Ooh! Save me Super-Feminist Obama! You're so strong and I'm so weak and helpless!

Will Obama wear his cape and tights when he's sworn in as the 44th president of the United States?

That cover is more than a bit over the top.

Check out this special offer: For $35 you get a year subscription to Ms. magazine, plus an 18x24 commerative poster of the Inaurgural issue cover. The special limited edition Inaugural cover poster can also be purchased separately, for $19.95.

I cannot believe that I once subscribed to this magazine. (Part of my sordid liberal past.)

I would like that t-shirt though, since I am what a feminist looks like.


  1. I think it's SEXY! A guy working for woman's rights and issues is definitely sexy... not to mention he looks sexy. Nice...........

  2. Hey, "anonymous" --

    I thought you were a guy. At least you could stick with one "anonymous" persona.

  3. A guy? Why would you think that?

    And even if I were, can't a guy think woman's rights are sexy and another guy looks sexy????

  4. Sure.

    I thought you were male. So are you gay?

  5. Wrong on both counts Mary. I'm a heterosexual woman!

  6. Mary, you're amazingly offensive, and I'm very sorry that this was the first google result I found for the picture of Obama with the feminist t-shirt. This is Anonymous 2 posting, not to be confused with the invisible Anonymous, who you seem to look down on for being a gay man even though he DOESN'T EXIST, or Anonymous 1 who is a heterosexual woman who said nothing offensive to you before you attacked her with a base, baseless stab. I am Anonymous 2, a rabidly bisexual female liberal who is actually insulting you, unlike Anonymous 1, on the grounds that you are an ignorant jerk. I look forward to never reading your blog again.

  7. "anonymous" 3:15 PM, February 04, 2009 --

    There are two possible scenarios here:

    1. You are attributing things to me based on the assumptions you've projected on to the above exchange. You can be faulted for jumping to the wrong conclusions.

    2. You are the original troll. If so, you really must lead a miserable life.

    Comments are closed.
