Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NBC Rejects PETA Super Bowl Ad

Surprise, surprise!

A sexually-charged ad from PETA to be aired during the Super Bowl was turned down by NBC.

From the New York Post:

NBC pulled the plug on a PETA pro-veggie commercial planned for the Super Bowl because it "depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards," according to NBC Universal's advertising standards executive, Victoria Morgan. The ad, which carries the tagline, "Studies Show Vegetarians Have Better Sex," shows lingerie-clad stunners getting "intimate" with vegetables.

...Says a PETA rep: "PETA's veggie ads are locked out, while ads for fried chicken and burgers are allowed, even though these foods make Americans fat, sick and boring in bed."

It's must have been tough for the struggling NBC to turn down $3 million to air the 30-second spot.

Of course, after the dust-up over Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction during Super Bowl XXXVIII, NBC couldn't expose children and sensitive audience members to such raunchy images.

And they are raunchy. Watch the ad here.

Of course, PETA never intended to shell out $3 million to air the ad. Slapping it up on YouTube was enough. This is just another lame publicity stunt by PETA, using women as objects.

The group is getting attention this way, but I think the people that closely watch the ad, again and again, aren't thinking about the ethical treatment of animals.

The exploitation of women, using nudity and sexually provocative images, is nothing new for PETA.

Here's a funny account of a PETA protest at a KFC in Milwaukee. (It's not easy being naked when the wind chills are -10.)

Why doesn't PETA use naked men in there ads and protests?

Very sexist.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes TV censorship can be so inconsistent


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