Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Assault on Human Life Begins

EXCLUSIVE: Mexico City Policy will NOT be Overturned TODAY by President Obama
The Brody File has learned that President Obama WILL NOT issue an executive order today that would have reversed a Bush administration policy which bans federal money by non-governmental agencies that provide abortions overseas.

...A source with knowledge of the situation says the fact that Obama will not issue this executive order today (on the same day of the huge March for Life rally in DC) sends a strong signal to religious leaders across the political spectrum that President Obama wants to set a different tone in Washington.

...It is unclear whether Obama intends to reverse the Mexico City Policy at some point in the future but this reliable source tells me that this move signals that Obama will stress the need for reducing abortions in this country rather than focus on the divisive tit for tat policy reversals of the past. As a matter of fact, President Obama may actually release an abortion related statement today about this need to reduce them. The point here is that President Obama has opted out of the “in your face” politics of the past. He may reverse Mexico City Policy at some point. Many on both sides of the abortion debate expect he probably will at some point but today is a day where Obama took the more tactful and less confrontational approach.

It's certainly possible that Obama plans to take a less confrontational approach. However, that's sure to tick off the Culture of Death, Planned Parenthood, NOW wings of his camp.

It seems to me that Obama is floundering.

Based on his record, I have no reason to believe that Obama intends to work to protect the unborn.

He promised to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. Was that a lie?


CORRECTION, from Wisconsin Right to Life:
Based on an incorrect national news report this morning, we sent you a news release regarding President Barack Obama signing an Executive Order reversing the Mexico City Policy. We then sent you a news release with our reaction. However, the President has not yet signed the Executive Order on the Mexico City Policy. We apologize for using a news source that provided incorrect information and we will re-issue a news release when the Executive Order is actually signed.

The confusion is certainly understandable. Read more.
News Release from Wisconsin Right to Life:

Today, President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order reversing a vitally important policy of the Bush Administration, the Mexico City Policy, that protected American taxpayers from funding organizations that perform and promote abortions overseas.

Obama’s action today came as no surprise to the state’s largest right-to-life organization. “Today marks the beginning of the Obama assault on life and it is merely the precursor of many battles to come. Given Obama’s abysmal record on life issues and the promises he made to radical pro-abortion organizations, his actions today confirm what we have been saying for over a year …Barack Obama will be the most pro-abortion president in the history of our nation.” said Susan Armacost, Legislative Director of Wisconsin Right to Life.

“He demonstrated a particular callousness by issuing the Executive Order on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the day millions of Americans commemorate the tragic deaths of over 51 million unborn children who have lost their lives to abortion,” said Armacost.

As an Illinois State Senator and a member of the U.S. Senate, Obama has continually demonstrated a callous disregard for human life by actively opposing commonsense, publicly popular measures to protect unborn children and their mothers. As an Illinois Senate committee chair, Obama was responsible for derailing a bill that would have protected babies born alive after an abortion attempt. In the U.S. Senate, Obama voted for taxpayer funding of organizations that provide and promote abortion and he actively opposed legislation to prohibit taking minor girls across state lines to obtain secret abortions.

“As horrible as Obama’s record on the life issues has been, the greatest threat of his Administration to unborn babies and their mothers is the so-called ‘Freedom of Choice Act’ (FOCA),” said Armacost. “FOCA would eliminate all of the federal and state laws passed in the past 35 years that restrict abortion and protect women and unborn babies.”

Armacost explained that if FOCA becomes law, taxpayers will be forced to pay for abortions, partial-birth abortion will be legal again, secret abortions for minor girls will take place with no parental involvement and medical professionals and facilities will be forced to perform abortions. FOCA would prohibit the passage of future protective laws and abortions will skyrocket.

On July 17, 2007, then-candidate Barack Obama told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund “Well, the first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.”

“Obama’s action today was despicable but we must understand that the single greatest threat of this anti-life administration is the passage of FOCA,” said Armacost. “FOCA places women and unborn babies in peril. FOCA silences the voice and ignores the values of millions of people in our nation. Wisconsin Right to Life’s top congressional priority is the defeat of FOCA.”

Welcome to Obama's "new era of responsibility."

1 comment:

  1. Watch what this guy does. Don't bother to listen to anything he says.


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