Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Can't find the doorknob, Barack? What an idiot!

I'm sure Letterman will mercilessly mock Obama about this one for the next four years.

Barack Obama is such a dunce that he can't even tell the difference between a window and a door at the White House!

This guy is so stupid I'm ashamed he's the president. He's not my president. I didn't vote for the dolt.

The entire world is going to look down on Americans because we elected such a numbskull.

I'm amazed he's capable of reading a teleprompter. I'm amazed he can read.

Apparently, Obama believes that as a messiah he can walk through solid matter.

What a twit!


This sounds a little harsh? I'm being disrespectful? Really?

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to support Obama. I'm supposed to want him to succeed. I do want him to succeed... I want him to succeed at finding a door.

Obama is so stupid. Incredible.

And he's Hitler.

Do you think my comments are inappropriate?

If you said yes, then I completely agree with you.


  1. You nailed it, Mary. Thank you.

  2. I wish all the President Bush haters could grasp just how deranged they are. I'd like them to understand what the poison they spew really sounds like.

    I wish they would come to the realization that they have behaved disgracefully.

  3. I'm going to take a wild guess and say... your a southerner

  4. I'm going to take a wild guess and say... you don't know how to use contractions. But thanks for the useless comment.

    Great blog, Mary. We need people like you to point out the absurdity of the media's infatuation with "The One."


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