Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Open Letter to Barack Obama

Dear Barack,

This is it. Today, you will make history.

You will be the first African American to become president.

Firsts always are remembered. You are guaranteed to be the answer to a question on American history tests for as long as students study the history of the United States.

While your inauguration is a proud moment for the country, I think the emphasis on your race, especially by the media, is unfortunate.

It's not fair to you. It shouldn't matter. It seems odd to me that your skin color is so important. It's so superficial and a reminder that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream hasn't been realized.

So enough about your skin.

Are you ready? Are you ready to carry the weight of the nation and the world on your shoulders?

It takes a remarkable individual to assume that sort of overwhelming responsibility.

I think there's more pressure on you than other incoming presidents because so many people believe that you're a savior. You're otherworldly to them. You can walk on water. You're almost being set up to fail.

I hope you haven't bought in to all that hype and hero-worship.

President Bush was criticized by so many in your party for being a religious man and for turning to God for guidance and strength. It would be really bad if you agree to elevate yourself to being God.

Sure, you need a healthy ego. You need to be confident to be an effective leader, but arrogance will backfire.

I worry about you. Sometimes, when you're without the security of the teleprompter, you look very uncomfortable. Sometimes, you look scared, and that scares me. You're very good at acting presidential when you have a script, but you have to be able to think on your feet.

I have a number of concerns relating to your positions on the issues. I hope you're willing to consider others' opinions and really listen.

I don't understand how you could want to reverse the ban on the barbaric procedure of partial-birth abortion. That's so extreme. There's nothing moderate about that. Your support of the Freedom of Choice Act is terribly disturbing to me.

You can't really think that the best way to stimulate the economy is to raise taxes. Things will get worse before they get better if you pursue that strategy.

I wish you had more faith in the American people. I wish you weren't seeking to make them more dependent on government.

When it comes to fighting terror, I'm afraid you'll be weak. I'm afraid you'll allow America to become weak again.

I'm big on personal responsibility. I like that you want to stress that theme in your inaugural address. The problem is I think you're sending mixed messages when it comes to personal responsibility. On one hand, you preach accountability for one's lot in life. Then on the other hand, you address Americans as if we're a nation of victims. You seem to blur personal responsibility and victimhood, thereby eliminating an emphasis on accountability for one's own actions.

I think your plan to focus on personal responsibility harkens back to your very well-received speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. You want to say something that is likely to appeal to all, including the masses that voted against you. Finding that sort of common ground is good, if you're being sincere. If it's a ploy, we'll find out.

Time will tell if your words are hollow.

It would be terrific if you would lead by example and work to put an end to the poisonous partisanship that has plagued the nation. For example, tell Joe Biden to quit ripping Vice President Cheney. Show respect for President Bush. Don't exploit the deep divisions in the country for your personal political gain.

I would hate it if your inaugural address kicks off the start of the 2012 presidential campaign.

Be a strong courageous leader, not a slick politician or a pampered celebrity.

P.S. At this point, you're not even close to being in the same league as Abraham Lincoln. Don't listen to Chris Matthews.


  1. Apparently the first thing Obama is going to do is to make abortion more available, allow gays to be openly in the military and to close Gitmo. He is going to neuter himself in his first hours in office. These actions will not appeal to at least, if not more, than 50% of the citizens of the USA.

    I guess Rahm is advising Obama in the same way he advised Bill Clinton. So I guess the GOP will be making big gains in Congress in two years.

  2. This mirrors my thoughts pretty closely. Well said.

  3. I just started following your blog and I must say I agree with you COMPLETELY! I am very concerned about our future.

  4. Mr. President. Thank you for hope and change for america. We are once again strong, a statement of american populace and the want of change. Sign Freedom of Choice Act. Fix the Bush administration's mistakes. Bash Cheney the worst VP ever and a piece of crap who deserves to be in jail. Bring Forth a New Freedom, a New America, so that we shall be free. Mr. President Thank You for being you.

  5. Hey, Barack is a lefty! Literally! Did you see that Mary?

  6. Obama presides over a banking meltdown on inauguration day. Where's the news that the banking system has been thrown into a serious crisis? Oh yeah, I forgot. We now have a Democrat in office so now none of this bad economy stuff matters.


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