Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Bush Booed at Inaugural

This is disgraceful, but sadly, not surprising.

We Are One?



  1. This was disgraceful, I have to agree Mary. It's hard enough for Bush, leaving office so wildly UNpopular. It was rude and embarrassing.

    I have to admit though, that there was something wickedly sweet about seeing Cheney leaving the White House in a wheelchair!

  2. Why is this disgraceful?? Seems to me his presidency was disgraceful and he badly tarnished the office of the presidency and left the country in shambles. If this is the worst he has to endure, he's lucky -- he should have been impeached.

  3. How is this disgraceful? He has done horrible things and put our country into a hole. He deserves far worse.

    Watching that was one of the best parts. Republicans hate it, but it was not done because he is a republican, its done because he is a terrible person. Grow up and take responsibility. Even if i was a republican I wouldnt ever support Bush.

  4. whats disgraceful is that we let this criminal administration depose governments and murder a million innocents. don't fall for this 'poor bush, nobody likes him' line, he should spend the rest of his life in jail. the international war crimes tribunal is more than able to put him there, should he find himself outside the US and without blackwater protection. more importantly, we should seize all of his assets and give them to iraqi refugees. then we should seize haliburton and all its profits and give them back to the taxpayer, where they came from.

  5. I am not American, and I can tell you that your global reputation with Bush went down the drain everywhere. Shoe in his face!

    He lied to steel oil on the lives of humans including Americans lives. Ben Laden is still out there!

    He deregulated financial market and put the whole world in this mess to make you believe short term that everything was obtainable and great. Many of you will have to lose your homes now. Your debt is now so massive. Do you know who owns you now..?

    Good luck to Obama!! He's the man!!

    Bush was as bad for America and the world as Aids is to Africa! Booooo to Bush!!!

    As for the right wing in America. The world sees you as ignorant and twisted. Get with the program & evolve socialy!

  6. People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    I guess Emerson's statement is meaningless if character is irrelevant...but I think both Obama and Bush would agree with Emerson. I think I remember Obama also quoting the Bible, saying, "it's time to put away childish things." I'm pretty sure Obama has too much dignity to boo another human being. He's a classy guy...unlike many of our country's citizens, like some posting on this blog.

    And yes, Bush has indeed inconvenienced many Iraqi's, but I don't think anyone is so intelligent and uniformed to say he has done them any worse than Saddam did them.

    Of the four American Heroes who have toured in Iraq that I have spoken to, not one has mentioned we should not be there. In fact, each has told me shockingly positive reports. I was shocked b/c on CNN, NBC, ABC, and my local paper, I never heard of the schools being built, the water treatment facilities created, the humanitarian aid being provided, the medical services given freely that our soldiers were doing. But each soldier told me things like this were part of the daily routine...

    A previous person commented that Bush's administration, "murder a million innocents." I'm not sure what exactly that's referring to. On the other side, one might ask why Mr. President Obama is so actively protecting late-term abortions. Some babies born at 20 weeks-yes, half term and with complete nervous systems-can live. Yet Obama wants to ensure it's legal to literally suck the brains out of wiggling, writhing human being, completely born except for head still in mom, double that age...and the same people see nothing evil with that. Can someone help me understand the double standard?

    Jesus, please help President Obama make good decisions. Guide him. Bless him. Keep him safe from hateful people. Jesus, please keep our country safe. Please, help our economy strengthen, and help us to mature as a people. Bless those who are like us as well as those unlike us. God be with Bush also, and everyone who has posted on this blog. In Christ's name, Amen

  7. You know, everyone is acting like this is the first time a President has ever been booed on his way out. It's not. It's happened pretty rarely, but it has happened. Herbert Hoover didn't exactly get treated that well on his way out, and neither did James Buchanon or Warren G. Harding. The only difference is that this is the first televised inauguration in which the former president was booed. Get over it. This is America. You can vote for who you want, cheer for who you want, and boo for who you want. The fact of the matter is that people don't usually boo previous presidents because few presidents mess up badly enough to deserve that nastiest of parting blows, though the presidents I mentioned, along with Bush, definitely did.

  8. Are you sure that you have your history correct? I am certain that you don't.

    Please provide links to sources illustrating that Buchanan, Harding, and Hoover were booed as they participated in the inauguration ceremonies of their successors.

    The people who booed President Bush showed a lack of respect for our system. There was no excuse for their boorish behavior.

    I wasn't happy at all that Obama was sworn in as the 44th president, but I didn't boo him. I was proud of our country and how power is transfered.


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