Thursday, January 22, 2009

Roe v. Wade: 36 Years Later

Let's look back on January 22, 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade, establishing that laws banning abortion violated the constitutional right to privacy. In effect, with one decision, the Court overturned all state laws outlawing or restricting abortion.

here for transcripts and audio of the oral arguments.

It's chilling. In a 7-2 decision, this small group of individuals were able to do away with the "settled law" in fifty states, deciding that it was illegal to protect the unborn because it infringed on one's right to privacy.

Now, Barack Obama vows to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).

What is FOCA?

A priority of Obama and the Democratic congressional leadership and their pro-abortion allies is the passage of a devastating piece of legislation...the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).

What would FOCA do?

FOCA would eliminate all of the federal and state laws passed in the past 35 years that restrict abortion and protect women and unborn babies . . . laws that the majority of Wisconsin residents support. If FOCA becomes law...

--You, as a taxpayer, forced to pay for abortions
--Partial-birth abortion legal again
--Secret abortions for our minor daughters with no parental involvement
--No required information or waiting periods for women seeking abortions
--Medical professionals and facilities forced to perform abortions

That's right - all of the laws that have been saving human lives since 1973 would be wiped out by FOCA with no hope of passing future protective laws. And the number of abortions will skyrocket!

For 36 years, the Roe v. Wade decision has been marked by a March for Life in Washington, D.C., in addition to demonstrations and rallies around the country. Millions of Americans gather to show their support for the unborn, recognizing that human life does not begin at birth, but in the womb.

Barack Obama was invited to participate.
Invitation here.

Obama was a no-show.

He's been busy issuing
Executive Orders today.
President Obama signs a series of executive orders closing Guantanamo Bay detention center, reviewing military trials of terror suspects and banning the harshest interrogation methods.

In signing the order on interrogation, the president says it not only fulfills a campaign promise but underscores a position "that dates back to our founding fathers that we are willing to observe core standards of conduct not just when it is easy but when it's hard."

He says the orders will send a signal worldwide that the United States is "not going to continue with a false choice between our safety and our ideals."

Blah, blah, blah.

Tell me about "core standards of conduct" and "ideals."

Tell me about safeguarding the rights of the innocent.

What about the tens of millions of human lives that were ended before they had a chance to take their first breath?

Just yesterday at his presidential inauguration, Obama was talking about hope. He was talking about a "new era of responsibility."

There are millions of Americans that weren't allowed to be born. No hope there.

How many of the aborted would have been among those in attendance at Obama's inauguration yesterday had they been given the chance to live?

How many of the aborted, had they been born, would have cheered or been moved to tears at the sight of Obama being sworn in?

Who knows?

It's the haunting, unbearable of what might have been.


Speaking of what might have been...
Obama's Life Story Now an Anti-Abortion Ad
While much of America was watching the inauguration of President Obama, BET viewers were seeing Obama's life story turned into an anti-abortion ad.

In the 41-second ad, sponsored by, a camera slowly zooms in on a fetus in a womb as these words appear on the screen: "This child's future is a broken home. He will be abandoned by his father. His single mother will struggle to raise him. Despite the hardships he will endure this child will become the 1st African-American President." The ad ends with a photograph of President Obama and this message: "Life: Imagine the Potential."

Yes, imagine.


Anonymous said...

FOCA is the opposite of freedom of choice. Forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions that we do not support. Forcing medical institutions to perform abortions that they do not want to perform. Partial-birth abortion is definitively murder, anyone should agree that killing a child as it is being birthed is murder.

I was unaware it went so far. How revolting.

Hopefully Almighty God will save us from this atrocity of human life.

Over 39,000,000 abortions have been performed since 1973, but somehow this is not perceived as genocide. It certainly is.

The Holocaust killed 6,000,000 live people, abortion has killed almost 7 times that many (AND GROWING EVERY DAY).

What happened to the sanctity of human life?

August Danowski said...


For 6 years I have been forced to pay for a war I don't support - a war that has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children whose only "crime" was living in Iraq. Where was the March for Life for those lives? Oh, wait, the "pro-lifers" (for the most part) support the indiscriminate (aka "surgical") bombing of villages and wedding ceremonies in Iraq because Saddam Hussein was "a bad man" who had WMD (oh, wait, no he didn't) and was in league with Al-Qa'ida (oh, wait, no he wasn't).

Paying for things we don't like is a by-product of living in a Democracy. A majority of people in the United States do not believe that life begins at conception, but do believe that a woman has a right to control her own body.

My question to "pro-lifers" continues to be: what are you doing to reduce the demand for abortions? Perhaps if we taught people how not to become pregnant in the first place, there wouldn't have to be so many abortions. Instead, conservatives want to forbid teaching people about contraception on one hand while taking away any means of stopping an unwanted pregnancy on the other. That's helpful.

And what would you propose doing to help those 39,000,000 mothers care for those babies? Free childcare, so they can go back to work to feed their children? Free medical insurance so they could afford to go to a hospital to have the baby in the first place or get care afterwards? No, those are evil socialist welfare programs wasting our tax dollars.

So the consevative plan, as I understand it is: 1) forbid any educational efforts to stop unwanted pregnancies in the first place; 2) forbid anyone from terminating an unwanted pregnancy; and 3) prevent the creation of any programs to help mothers care for their children after they are born. I think Jesus would really like that plan. It really ties into the "helping the poor and unfortunate" theme he had going in the Bible.

And, how is it that the "sanctity of life" only applies to the unborn? Where was that "holier-than-thou" outrage when we started an unprovoked war of aggression in Iraq? Or when we execute children and the mentally retarded, or for that matter, anyone at all?

If abortion is wrong, then those 39,000,000 mothers and their doctors will have to answer to God. But they shouldn't have to answer to you.

Anonymous said...

"And, how is it that the "sanctity of life" only applies to the unborn? Where was that "holier-than-thou" outrage when we started an unprovoked war of aggression in Iraq? Or when we execute children and the mentally retarded, or for that matter, anyone at all?"

And if abortion is not wrong, than neither is what you are raging about above. Why can't Lauren think abortion is wrong without you bringing up the war in Iraq? Why do you assume that Lauren only cares about unborn children and not about innocent people in Iraq? Who's executing mentally retarded people, anyway? Not pro-lifers. But there are plenty of people who think that it's perfectly fine to kill an unborn child because he/she has Down's Syndrome, or another condition that would give it a difficult life, or even just because the child was not conceived under ideal circumstances. Why is none of that bad, or if you agree it is, then what is wrong with pointing out how evil it is? The ad that Mary referenced that used Obama's life story is a very moving way to point out a profound truth--when a child is conceived we can't know what that child, if allowed to live, will grow up to be, or will contribute to the world. Some of the aborted if allowed to live would certainly have been bad people who caused misery, but some of the others may have been the ones who cured cancer, or found a way to create a new energy, or could have invented something that might have improved your life, or took care of you in your old age. New life is a good thing. New life is the only thing that gives any of us any reason to keep on keeping on. Read the novel Children of Men by P.D. James to get an idea of the alternative reality where no more babies are being born. I understand that we don't live in that extreme world--there are still babies being born, thank God, but who are we to choose which ones should be allowed to live? How is killing a child at 6 months gestation any different from killing one at 6 years old. How about at 2 or months gestation? If a 2 month old fetus doesn't have a basic right to life, then when does 3 months, 3 months plus one minute, 6 months, 7 months? My son was born 7 weeks early and couldn't quite live without some extra medical help. If I'd had him aborted the day before I went into labor, would that have been a reasonable and moral choice for me to make since it's my body?

Anonymous said...

August 26,

In all honesty, I agree with what you have to say about the War in Iraq. People have been killed without cause for a war of aggression that was started on the premise of ending a dictatorship and ending violence. The violence has increased and innocent women and children have died because of it. I have been grappling with my conscience about this war, and I must admit that I am disappointed that so many people have had to lose their lives for a war that has not brought peace or love to a nation of pain and anguish. I wish only the best for the Iraqis and the Muslims. I hope they can somehow find a way to have peace amongst themselves, and I hope that soon, the war will be finished and we will no longer have to feel that we are responsible for thousands of untimely deaths.

However, "a majority of people" do not believe the things that you stated. The court decided that they would go against the will of a greater percentage of Americans that do not believe in such a malicious practice.

And furthermore, the reason that the life of the unborn is so important is because we are murdering human beings that have no defense whatsoever. They do not have a voice to cry out for justice. They can't say "Mommy, daddy, please let me live. I don't have to live with you if you don't want me, BUT LET ME LIVE!" The only people that can speak for them are us. We, the 'pro-life' crowd that gets mocked so frequently. You don't understand why abortion hurts people. Maybe you are not a woman, maybe you are. But you don't have to make the decision to kill your own child. And no matter how many people think they will forget, they never will. The child's life is mercilessly put to an end because of sin. People are not taught to take responsibility for their actions anymore. That is why abortion has been accepted and made commonplace in this nation. Abortion is heinous. Abortion is against humanity. The birth rate in this country (and many others) is decreasing for various reason, but abortion is among the first. It will affect our society. The sin will eventually make people sick with themselves. The SHAME of abortion manifests itself in various ways. Some of the women choose to force their anger at themselves for performing such a heinous act on an unborn child on the pro-life movement that gently and far too quietly begs people to reconsider.

The hatred of the pro-life movement does not stem from a problem within itself. People hate being reminded of their horrendous life decisions. They hate it when people point out that they have done something truly terrible that will forever haunt them. People don't like to face reality. They like to sit in a plastic bubble of self-pity claiming that it was their 'choice' and they just 'had to' because their life would have been too hard if they had let the child live. I'm not passing judgment on every woman. That's not my job; however, I will, until the day that I die, fight for these young, innocent lives that are mercilessly slaughtered for the sake of covering up lies, sin, debauchery, and deceit. I will STAND for the unborn because THEY CANNOT STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES ANYMORE.

The Conservative Plan is family.

You should always choose life because your mother did. You were given the gift of life so why does ANYONE have the 'choice' to take it away from someone else?

And if you want a march for the War, get arm-in-arm with Cindy Sheehan and Hugo Chavez, I'm sure they've held a few.

My final question to you is: why is it my responsibility to reduce the number of abortions when I have never had one, do not condone them, and spend much time trying to fight against them?

My fight is for the child.

Thank you for your response, DW.

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister. I admire your passion and thank you for whatever you have done and will do in the future to protect the innocent.