Friday, January 30, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, MoveOn, and Americans United for Change

Saul Alinsky would be so proud.

Barack Obama and his followers are using his Rules for Radicals to enact "change" (aka "dupe the American people").

They've chosen a polarizing figure, Rush Limbaugh, as the demon, their personification of the opposition.

Rather than talking about the merits of the so-called economic stimulus plan, really a massive spending bill of historic proportions, they want to make the debate about Limbaugh.

This is Lefty politics as usual. So much for all that "change," "new era" crap.

It's the same old, same old.

Brian Maloney, Radio Equalizer, has the transcript of the anti-Limbaugh radio attack ad.

ANNOUNCER: Listen to what Rush Limbaugh said about President Obama’s agenda and his jobs package:


ANNOUNCER: The Obama jobs bill overwhelmingly passed the House. But not one Republican voted yes. Every Republican member of the House chose to take Rush Limbaugh’s advice. Every Republican voted with Limbaugh. And against creating four million new American jobs.

We can understand why a extreme partisan like Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama’s jobs program to fail.

But the members of Congress elected to represent the citizens in their districts? That’s another matter.

Now the Obama plan goes to the Senate. And the question is:

Will our Senator, (insert name here), side with Rush Limbaugh too?


ANNOUNCER: Or, will he reject the partisanship and failed economic policies of the past, and stand up for the people of (state).

Call Senator (insert name here) now at (202) 224-3121. Tell him he represents you, not Rush Limbaugh.

Will expose this ad as misleading for taking Limbaugh's "I hope he fails" comment out of context? FactCheck is supposed to be a non-partisan group, right?

The fact that Lefties feel compelled to run ads like this indicates just how desperate they are.

It shows how fearful they are of the American people learning the truth about the DEMOCRAT trillion dollar spending bill masquerading as an economic recovery plan.

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