Thursday, January 29, 2009

Zogby: Obama's 52% Approval Rating

It looks like close to half the people in the country have not accepted Barack Obama as their savior.

From Zogby International:

Post-inauguration survey finds 52% give President Obama positive job approval ratings, while 19% remain unsure

Just 36% of likely voters have positive feelings about the direction the U.S. is headed in the first days of President Barack Obama's new administration, but there has been a dramatic increase from the 14% who felt the country was headed in the right direction earlier this month, a new Zogby Interactive poll shows. Fewer than half (45%) now believe the country is on the wrong track, compared to 70% who said so in early January.

This post-inauguration survey finds nearly two-thirds of Democrats (62%) believe the country is headed in the right direction, compared to 31% of political independents and just 9% of Republicans who say the same. While the vast majority of Republicans (76%) now take a negative view of the country's direction, fewer than half of independents (45%) and one in five Democrats (19%) agree. The Zogby Interactive survey of 3,684 likely voters nationwide was conducted Jan. 22-26, 2009, and carries a margin of error of +/- 1.7 percentage points.

...Just over half (52%) give Obama a positive job performance rating for his first official days in office, while 29% give his job performance a negative rating, and another 19% are not sure. Democrats (80%) and political independents (52%) are most likely to give Obama high job performance marks, compared to just 17% of Republicans. One in four Republicans (25%) and nearly as many independents (22%) were unsure about his job performance so far and did not give him a ranking, compared to half as many Democrats (13%). Younger likely voters, age 18-24, are more likely to give Obama positive marks (56%), and are most likely to have made up their minds early, with just 10% who are unsure about his job performance so far. Among weekly Wal-Mart shoppers, 42% give the new president favorable job scores, compared to 69% of likely voters who never shop there. Just 39% of NASCAR fans give Obama a positive job performance rating.

It's interesting that only 42% of Wal-Mart shoppers approve of Obama's performance. Obama is supposed to be the champion of the working class, promising to "spread the wealth around."

It also looks like Obama needs to reach out to NASCAR fans if he's hoping to unify the country. Would getting the "Gentlemen, Start your Engines!" gig help?

I don't think so.

Obama is a liberal extremist. All the collectible plates and coins and other Obama memorabilia in the world can't hide that fact.

The Zogby Interactive survey of 3,684 likely voters nationwide was conducted Jan. 22-26, 2009, and carries a margin of error of +/- 1.7 percentage points.


More Zogby poll results:
Congressional job approval has received a big boost, and now stands at 20%, up from a paltry 4% of likely voters who gave Congress a job performance rating of "excellent" or "good" just a few weeks ago. Democrats are more likely to give Congress positive job ratings (39%), compared to political independents (15%) and Republicans (2%).

While the job approval for Congress has jumped, I don't think a 20% approval rating calls for a victory dance.

FOX News Poll

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. Big-time ouch. Rasmussen has some interesting polling results about how the country thinks the government should react to the economic crisis; and it's not what Pelosi and Obama are doing. My goodness this didn't take long. Too bad the Republicans didn't have a real candidate. Maybe their base would have turned out and all of this would just be a bad dream.


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