Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Biden Blows Hillary's Oath

Another day, another blunder for Joe Biden.

He screwed up while administering the oath of office to Hillary Clinton.

Vice President Biden administered the oath of office to Hillary Clinton at a State Department ceremony -- and momentarily botched the oath by tripping over his words, but made a quick recovery (even though the crowd had chanted, "Get it right" before he even started).

The formal ceremony duplicated a private swearing-in in her Senate office after she was confirmed Jan. 22.

This time, her husband Bill, daughter Chelsea, and mother Dorothy Rodham jointly held the bible, as four previous secretaries of state (Baker, Kissinger, Eagleburger, Albright) and many Clinton supporters looked on.

As Clinton expressed her gratitude to her family members individually, she paused -- clearly searching for the right words to thank her husband. Grinning, she ended up thanking him for a life full of "all kinds of experiences." The crowd laughed, somewhat awkwardly.

This is Hillary unleashed.

She's not going to be the first woman to be elected president of the United States. That dream is dead.

She can toss aside the pretense. It's the freedom that comes with having nothing to lose.

I kind of like this new Hillary. I hope she challenges Barack Obama on his misguided foreign policy ideas. I hope she convinces him that his naïve world view is dangerous.


  1. She is thanking Bill? OMG, that is funny.

  2. well, not the real swearing in that was done over a week ago, so he was doing his best justice roberts moronic immitation.


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