Friday, February 13, 2009

Bradley Tech Brawl: 17 Students Arrested

Bradley Tech High School is in the news again.

And again, it's because of a fight.

From FOX 6:

Police took 17 students into custody after a fight broke out Thursday at Bradley Tech High School. and left one police officer injured. Police said the male officer was punched in the face by a 17-year-old girl who was arrested on a tentative charge of battery to a police officer.

The 16 others were being cited for disorderly conduct.

More details, from TMJ4:
The brawl began at about 2:25 Thursday afternoon as a small fight among several girls. It quickly escalated to a massive brawl that involved as many as 200 people.

"It's sad, people fighting for nothing," said Tonique Connor-Turner. "I don't got time for that. I'm trying to graduate and get out of here. It's just nonsense."

Some students who were involved in the fight didn't even know why they were fighting. Dominique Allen was arrested and given a ticket, but he says he started throwing punches because he heard someone attacked his friend. "Some guys tried to jump one of my friends, so I just had his back," he told Lauren Leamanczyk.

This was a big one. Two hundred people involved in a brawl is a serious disturbance, total chaos.

What is with these people? Don't they have any self-control?

These fights are crazy. There's no excuse for this. Absolutely no excuse. Some of them don't even know what they're fighting about. It's nuts.

What is a 17-year-old girl doing punching a police officer in the face?

That officer was injured. Obviously, the girl can hit. She's charged with felony battery.

Good grief. I've never punched anyone in the face.

I feel so sorry for the Bradley Tech students who are serious about their education and want no part of this insanity.

What really disturbs me about the fights at Bradley Tech is that the students involved are throwing away their opportunity to make something of themselves. They attend a state-of-the-art facility that's better equipped than many suburban and private schools.

The educational opportunities are there for the taking.

These kids do have a chance, but they're choosing a different path. They prefer to behave like thugs.

That choice doesn't offer a bright future. It's a dead end.

A lot of tax dollars are being wasted at Bradley Tech. Taxpayers shouldn't be funding a site for brawls. If students aren't there to learn, then they shouldn't be there.

Maybe the money being spent to operate Bradley Tech should be spent on building a jail.

FOX 6 video

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