Thursday, February 12, 2009

Caterpillar CEO Owens and Obama and Lies

Remember this?

President Barack Obama says Caterpillar's chief executive has told him the company will rehire some laid-off workers if the stimulus bill passes.

You can put that in the "load of crap" file.

When Obama visited East Peoria today, he had the audacity to repeat that statement, Caterpillar will rehire workers if the stimulus bill passes.
From the Chicago Sun-Times:

Once President Obama signs the $789 billion stimulus package, roads will start getting built again, orders for Caterpillar trucks will go up again and the company can start hiring back some of the 22,000 workers it plans to lay off, he said.

“Think about all the work out there to be done, and Caterpillar will be selling the equipment that does the work,” Obama said to hundreds of Caterpillar workers at a plant here.

He spoke in front of two new-model Caterpillar electric road-building machines.

Obama was introduced by laid-off Caterpillar worker Dan Armstrong and Caterpillar CEO Jim Owens, who said he hoped to be able to bring back Armstrong and other laid-off workers eventually.

“It’s not going to create 22,000 jobs — I can tell you that right now,” said 31-year Caterpillar veteran Darrell Corbin. “But I hope it will be able to bring some of ‘em back.”

Obama said he stopped in Peoria on his way to an Abraham Lincoln celebration in Springfield because: “You have to see how things are playing in Peoria.”

So today, in his remarks at the Caterpillar plant, Obama reiterated the claim that Owens would rehire workers if the stimulus bill passes.

That's BS.

Owens won't be doing any rehiring if it passes. He's likely going to make more job cuts.

From the International Herald Tribune:

Caterpillar will probably have to lay off more employees before it starts thinking about rehiring, its chairman Jim Owens says.

Speaking after a town hall meeting with President Barack Obama in a Caterpillar factory, Owens said Thursday that even if a stimulus plan passes immediately, it won't have an effect on the economy until late this year or early 2010.

That seemed to back away from the immediacy of a statement Obama made minutes earlier.


Owens' statement doesn't seem to back away from what Obama said. It completely refutes what Obama said.

Obama's remarks are total BS.

And CEO Owens is allowing Obama to flat-out lie.

Good grief. Is Obama using Bill Clinton-speak, "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"?

Why is the press letting Obama get away with this glaring contradiction?

OBAMA IS LYING. Will the media cover that?

Owens corrects Obama only after the spotlight has shifted.

What a load!

Here's the WHITE HOUSE transcript of what Obama said at the plant.


But the debate is now coming to an end. The bill has passed the House and it's passed the Senate. It's been reconciled and now it's going back to those two chambers so it can get on my desk. It is time for Congress to act, and I hope they act in a bipartisan fashion. But no matter how they act, when they do, when they finally pass our plan, I believe it will be a major step forward on our path to economic recovery.

And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Yesterday, Jim, the head of Caterpillar, said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off.
And that's a story I'm confident will be repeated at companies across the country -- companies that are currently struggling to borrow money selling their products, struggling to make payroll, but could find themselves in a different position when we start implementing the plan. Rather than downsizing, they may be able to start growing again. Rather than cutting jobs, they may be able to create them again.

There's an immediacy to Obama's remarks. He's unintentionally misleading at best, and at worst, intentionally deceptive.

Jim Owens is complicit in Obama's lies.

He's standing there letting Obama make stuff up.

Owens should have corrected Obama right away.

There won't be rehires if the bill passes. There will be more job cuts first. Obama left that out.

Obama is a liar and Owens is his accomplice.

From the Peoria Journal Star:

“We’ll probably have more layoffs before we start hiring again,” said Owens at an impromptu news conference this afternoon following President Barack Obama’s appearance at Caterpillar’s Building HH.

Owens said the slowdown that hit Caterpillar in November has put plans on hold.

“We don’t want false expectations. If we sign a stimulus bill that doesn’t mean we’ll start hiring right away,” he said.

Now back to Barack, moments earlier:

"Yesterday, Jim, the head of Caterpillar, said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off."

This is change, Barack? Transparency? Truth?

No. This is BS.


  1. The Propaganda is running fast and furious. The lies about the stimulus package are just a continuation of the lies of the campaign. Obama knows that the media will cover whatever he says, even if totally inaccurate. Therefore his message of lies makes it out to the public and they believe they are getting something that doesn't exist. A good example of this is the home buyers tax credit that was touted for a couple of days. In the final bill it is not $15,000, it is $7,500 and it is now for first time home buyers only. And it is now only availalbe through September of this year.

    The people in charge cannot be trusted which is exactly why they want the fairness doctrine in place so they can completely control the media.

    And I thought Bush was the Nazi. Hah.

  2. Obama is a liar that's obvious. But he's also a user. He uses people like those Caterpillar workers. Anyting to be able to spread his lies about the economy and his stimulus.

    Obama is a propagandist. He got elected by lying and it looks like he's getting his stimulus plan by lying too. What more does he want? Whatever else he gets will be at our expense I know that. The stimulus, Obama, and his collaborators ARE FRAUDS.


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