Wednesday, February 4, 2009

David W. Ogden: Pro-Abortion Extremist

There's a problem with Barack Obama's nominee to be Deputy Attorney General, David W. Ogden.

No, it's not tax evasion. He may have tax problems like Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle, and Nancy Killefer, but if he does, those haven't surfaced yet.

The problem with Ogden is his policy positions.

If you believe in protecting human life -- the weak, the innocent, the vulnerable, the unborn -- you probably will have a problem with Ogden.

Charlie Sykes links to information assembled by the Family Research Council regarding Obama's pick to be the Deputy Attorney General, David W. Ogden.

Ed Whelan is also focusing on Ogden today, directing readers to a memo by Fidelis. Whelan writes:

This memo from Fidelis persuasively makes the case that David W. Ogden, President Obama’s nominee to be Deputy Attorney General, is (like other top DOJ picks) hard-Left on a broad array of culture-war issues—for example, obscenity and pornography, abortion, homosexuality, and racial preferences—and in favor of the judiciary’s role in imposing the Left’s agenda on those issues. That’s no surprise to those of us who weren’t bamboozled by Obama’s sweet-sounding post-partisan rhetoric. But given how many Americans evidently were bamboozled, it would be good for Republican senators, at a minimum, to make clear how far out of the mainstream Ogden and other DOJ nominees are.

Read the memo from Fidelis, "Research Brief on David W. Ogden, Nominee for Deputy Attorney General."

Whelan is right. Ogden is an extremist.

It makes sense to me that Obama would tap him to be Deputy Attorney General because Ogden's views mirror where Obama stands.

On Abortion:

In a brief for the American Psychological Association in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, he wrote: "Abortion rarely causes or exacerbates psychological or emotional problems. When women do experience regret, depression, or guilt, such feelings are mild and diminish rapidly without adversely affecting general functioning. The few women who do experience negative psychological responses after abortion appear to be those with preexisting emotional problems ...."

Ogden also wrote: "In sum, it is grossly misleading to tell a woman that abortion imposes possible detrimental psychological effects when the risks are negligible in most cases, when the evidence shows that she is more likely to experience feelings of relief and happiness, and when child-birth and child-rearing or adoption may pose concomitant (if not greater) risks or adverse psychological effects ...."

Where is the common ground here?

Is this a moderate position?

Ogden is not only radically pro-abortion, but he seems to be utterly out of touch with reality and the emotional aspects of carrying and giving birth to a baby.

According to Ogden, if a woman experiences psychological effects after aborting her child, it's probably because she had "preexisting emotional problems."

Good grief. If a woman can kill her child and not experience some degree of adverse psychological effects then she has serious issues in terms of her capacity to understand the consequences of her actions and accept personal responsibility.

Ogden is so extreme. His attitude about human life is that it's dispensable.

Ogden is a radical pro-abortion advocate. As Deputy Attorney General, he obviously would not champion the right to life of the unborn.

He echoes Obama's infamous quote: "[If my daughters] make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

Obama thinks of a baby, in this case, his grandchild, as a punishment. To rectify the mistake, Obama and Ogden propose eliminating it as the solution, simply killing the baby.

There is no such a thing as an unwanted baby. The child may not be wanted by his or her biological mother, but that child is wanted by someone who longs to be a parent.

Pregnancy isn't always easy, but it's nine months. Compare nine months with a potential lifetime of regret. Ogden doesn't get it.

Read about Ogden's record.

He's an extremist, like Obama. Ogden would not use his post to protect something as fundamental as the right to life.

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