Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gibbs on White House Ethics Standards

What a mess!

Barack Obama's appointees are melting down and Robert Gibbs didn't help matters in the White House press briefing today.

Link: Gibbs on White House Ethics Standards

QUESTION: Robert, if loopholes and exceptions are built-in for various appointees who've lobbied in the past, and if key appointees are shown to have had problems in terms of not having paid back taxes, is there a risk that this administration in its ethics practices begins to look like every other that preceded it?

ROBERT GIBBS: No. Uh, I think if, uh, I'd be happy to provide you the names of the people that, uh, have already said that this administration, uh, has laid forward, uh, in executive orders the strongest ethics and accountability rules of any administration in the history of this country.

When challenged on the rules and exemptions, Gibbs stumbles badly.
GIBBS: No. In fact the very same same people that said that applauded the fact that you are going to have a few exemptions to allow people that are uniquely qualified to serve their country.

So, if you're "uniquely qualified" don't worry about paying your taxes.


  1. Mary needs to have a tax free day, she is unique in that she has the IQ of 50, and can still get her opinion taken seriously. Kinda like joe the plumber on capital hill advising republicans.

  2. Don't they hear themselves speak? or better yet, don't they get it? If you are a tax evader, dishonest and a cheat, you may still qualify for a high ranking government position in the United States of America. But first, you have to show that you are "uniquely qualified". If you do, don't worry, you can still be a star and a role model in this society.

  3. It is stunning, isn' it?

    I wonder if they really don't get it or if they're just hoping that no one will call them on their glaring inconsistencies.

  4. To Anonymous 2:35 p.m.
    If you think Mary is an idiot, why do you read her blog? Why don't you say something to show us how smart you are? Oh wait, you did...your first sentence is a comma splice, you used "kinda" for kind of, and you wrote "capital hill." You must not have much to do if you take the time to come on here, read this blog, and then insult the writer. What a waste of time. Get a life.
    Mary, I love your blog, and check in with it most every day. Thanks!


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