Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Henrietta Hughes

At a town hall meeting in Fort Myers, Florida today, Henrietta Hughes asked for immediate help from savior Barack Obama.

"I have an urgent need, unemployment and homelessness, a very small vehicle for my family and I to live in," she said. "The housing authority has two years' waiting lists, and we need something more than the vehicle and the parks to go to. We need our own kitchen and our own bathroom. Please help."

President Obama gave her a kiss on the cheek, telling her, "We're going to do everything we can to help you, but there are a lot of people like you." He said his staff would meet with her after the town hall.

Hughes says she and her adult son have been homeless for "a long time." She says her son lost his job in computer programming, and they in turn lost their house. She says she has been looking for a job, although she is on disability for cancer, but so far has not been able to find work.

Hughes was visibly moved by the president. "I'm just grateful to have him to acknowledge and for him to hear me," she said. She would not give specifics about the type of help White House has promised her, only saying she was "satisfied."

Hughes says she was not able to vote on election day because she does not have an address. She said without a vote, she prayed that Mr. Obama would win. "I said, 'Lord please have mercy on Mr. Obama." and the Lord did so.'"

...Florida Rep. Nick Thompson has offered her and her son a home in La Belle, a town about two hours from Ft. Myers.

Henrietta Hughes is no longer a homeless woman. Praise Obama!

The answer to your problems: Get to an Obama town hall meeting and tell your story.

Helping one person at a time....


Video here.


  1. Is this proof that the power of prayer works or that our elected officials only care to help us unwashed masses if they see us face to face? Either way, it's good to see someone in desperate need get help. There's so little good news lately.

  2. What about all of the other millions of folks that need help?

  3. It is ironic that Henrietta Hughes is a victim of the policies that Barack Obama voted for in his congressional record.

    Mrs. Hughes said on an interview that she had a $1000 mortgage. She was a victim of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac policy that requires banks to issue loans to people who cannot afford them.

    Every economist points to the sub prime mortgages as the reason behind our economic collapse. Now we have Mrs. Hughes who is the person of that collapse. Welcome to Obama policy.

    Obama also voted against correcting this.

    Now he says he is her savior. Mrs. Hughes has been had by her president.

  4. Banks weren't forced to give loans to people that couldn't afford it. The CRA via Fannie and Freddie has been around since 1974. No sub prime crisis all those years...just now. The Sub prime crisis just became a problem these last few years because banking regulations regarding giving out loans were lax coupled with newly repackaged MBO's supposedly managing risk for those underwriting these mortgages. They off loaded risk creating a moral hazard. Banks and brokers were making money giving out loans. Everyone was getting rich short term (bankers, shareholders, mortgage brokers) and everyone on the street was getting approved for a house no problem. No one questioned what would happen long term if rates rised. Alan Greenspan at the Fed (Reagan-Clinton-Bush) encouraged everyone to get subprime loans in 2004.


    There was negligence on the part of bankers and the Fed for not forseeing this...it was their job. Thats what they got paid to do. Just they were making too much money to care. No other country has a sub prime mortgage crisis...just the US.

    In Canada (and almost all othr countries) they have variable rate mortgages...if rates rise or go lower the payment stays the same...just the pricipal vs interest changes...therefore a person getting a mortgage always knows what their payment will be. It will not rise above their means. There is also a cap on rates if they go to high so that they don't just pay all interest if they do spike high. This is how ARM's should be setup in the US.

  5. ''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

    This is Barney Frank, 2003 in response to Bush administration calls for oversight and restructuring of FM & FM due to warning signs of failure.


    Barney Frank was also the recipient of thousands of dollars from FM FM for his campaign coffers.

    Banks who wanted to issue FMFM loans were forced to issue a percentage of subprime loans.

    Banks do not have a history of issuing mortgages to people who cannot provide evidence of ability to pay. Banks do not like foreclosure. They lose money and go out of business. The government forced bad lending practices on them.

  6. Turns out that Henrietta Hughes has been milking the system:



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