Sunday, February 8, 2009

McCain: Stimulus Bill is "Generational Theft"

If Barack Obama thinks he can win Republican support for the Democrats' massive appropriations bill (aka "recovery" plan) by mocking them, he's pretty stupid.


Yeah, right.

John McCain commented on Obama's same old, same old Washington politics as usual crap when he was on Face the Nation this morning.

McCain threw out some real fighting words.

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From the CBS News Political Hotsheet:
When asked by host Bob Schieffer if he would support the stimulus plan, the senator replied, "I can’t Bob. I can’t because I think it is the greatest transfer of not only spending but authority and responsibility to government.”

He added, "I think it has policy changes in it which are fundamentally bad for America. For example, their ‘Buy America’ provision: that’s protectionism, and that did not work in any time in our history.

"But most of all because I think this can only be described as generational theft."

"Generational theft."

That's a good way to put it.

From Politico:

“I thought we were going to have change," he said, in a shot at Obama's campaign slogan, "and that change meant we work together. This is a setback. This is a setback to all Americans because you promised Americans we’d work in a more bipartisan fashion, and that certainly is not the case in this bill,” McCain said.

...“We’re going to amass the largest debt in the history of this country by any measurement, and we’re going to ask our kids and grandkids to pay for it,” McCain said.

“I know we’re in trouble. I know America needs a stimulus, we need tax cuts, we need to spend money on infrastructure and other programs that will put people to work. But this is not it.”

...“This agreement is not bipartisan. I’ve been in bipartisan agreements, many. “This is three Republican senators, every Republican congressman voted against it in the House, plus 11 Democrats and all but three Republicans stayed together. That’s not bipartisanship, that’s just picking off a couple of Republican senators.”

McCain doesn't hesitate to point out what a fraud Obama is.

This alleged "economic stimulus" bill is stunningly irresponsible.

As Robert E. Rector says, it's a "welfare spendathon."

The stimulus bill is a welfare spendathon, a massive down payment on Obama's promise to "spread the wealth."

Once the hidden welfare spending in the bill is counted, the total 10-year fiscal burden (added to the national debt) will not be $816 billion, as claimed, but $1.34 trillion. This amounts to $17,400 for each household paying income tax in the U.S.

This makes McCain's point. The "stimulus" bill is generational theft.

Over a trillion dollars in debt...

I hope McCain's buddy Russ Feingold is listening.

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