Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obama and Jessica Simpson's "Weight Battle"

Matt Lauer's Super Bowl pre-game interview with Barack Obama just concluded.

NBC had technical difficulties, marring the interview. That was an embarrassment for NBC.

Of course, Lauer and Obama talked politics. Obama pushed the Democrat economic stimulus plan (aka Democrat spending plan). So much for NBC's declaration that the Super Bowl would be a
no politics, no advocacy zone.

Lauer, dressed in a suit and looking all business, clearly was giddy at being in the presence of Obama. Obama, dressed casually, with his shirt collar open, pretended to be cool and smiled a lot. I think someone told him to be sure to smile.

At the end of the interview, Obama did something that I consider to be very uncool.

We were shocked at Obama's lame attempt at humor, nearly choking on our chips and taco dip.

Lauer held up a photo in the current issue of US Weekly. It was a family pic -- Obama, Michelle, and their two daughters. Then, Lauer showed the cover. Only Michelle and the girls made the cover. Lauer noted that Obama was removed, and replaced with an inset including a photo of Jessica Simpson.

MATT LAUER: You got replaced by Jessica Simspon.

BARACK OBAMA: Yeah, who's in a weight battle apparently. Yeah. Oh, well.

Obama pointed out LIVE, to tens of millions of viewers, that Jessica Simpson is having a weight battle. That was thoughtful of him to do.

Jessica Simpson can't be too thrilled with that swipe from Obama. Not cool at all. She deserves an apology from Obama.

He sounded like gaffe machine Joe Biden.


Video of the complete interview.


  1. This is just proof that he doesn't think before he speaks! I guess he also didn't think about the fact that his wife is at least twice the size of Jessica too! So, in a way he was calling his wife fat. I can't believe this is the person who is supposed to run our country...what an idiot!! Hopefully Jessica won't vote for him next term!

  2. With all the work he has to do and all the briefings he deals with, he has time to read and/or listen to the gossip columns! COME ON!! WE NEED a President, not a Hollywood type.

  3. He was obviously commenting on the title of the article and not espousing his own view on Jessica Simpson's weight.

  4. "Obama pointed out LIVE, to tens of millions of viewers, that Jessica Simpson is having a weight battle."

    The headline on the magazine reads "Inside Jess' WEIGHT BATTLE." and "Jumbo Jess". I think the cat was already out of the bag on that one. Did Obama reading it aloud expose the issue any more than the magazine sitting in grocery store lines to be viewed by tens of millions? Seriously.

  5. I was watching the interview when he made that statement, and as much as I support President Obama, I told my husband that he's going to have some apologizing to do. It was, indeed, inappropriate.

    Michelle's comment about First Lady Obama's weight, though, is uncalled for. She's tall and proportioned. She is by no means fat. Nor do I think Jessica Simpson is fat.

    And in case anyone has been taking note, while President Obama made an inappropriate and probably offensive comment, that does not reflect how he's been running this country since Jan. 20th. People make mistakes. To associate his comment about Jessica Simpson with how he's running our country doesn't pass the common sense test.

  6. He doesn't owe her anything. He just read the cover of the magazine. Boo F'in hoo. It's about time we have a president that doesn't hold back and isn't overly politically correct.

    And, if she doesn't like it, she can jump on the treadmill for an hour a day. STFU.

  7. to michelle--I'm sure Jessica won't vote for him...ignorant, vapid people wouldn't. It was a candid statement, albeit a bit of a gaffe--but he was reading the headline written by someone else. At least he has that excuse; your attack on his wife is pathetic and shallow. And no, sorry, but Simpson is majorly fat compared to his wife--a dignified woman that puts you to shame (assuming you are a woman, which I doubt).

  8. Michelle, dear -

    He was quoting the headline re Jessica Simpson, not making a personal comment about her.

    As for Jessica Simpson voting for him - sure, he's future political career will be determined by her vote.


  9. obama hates women and cruelly belittles them every chance he gets. He was just ticked that she bumped him off the cover. What more can I say?

  10. Haha that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. who cares the front page says she is in a weight problem why can't he say it i mean look at her she is and there is no denying it. I mean really who cares no one get over it!

  11. haaaaaaahahahahaha


    Please, someone alert Drudge and the NRO to get their panties up in a bundle about this one!

    Hopefully Rush and Hannity will devote a good hour of their radio shows to this important issue which so clearly reveals that Obama is a total failure!
    I thought us liberals were supposed to be the uptight, politically-correct schoolmarms taking all the fun outta y'all's innocent and harmless jokes... hasn't that been the big schtick for the past 20 years? Pot? Kettle? *tap* *tap* Is this thing on? Hello out there?

    try some meaningful analysis rather than trying to spin everything into your own personal narrative

  12. Obama was obviously just pointing out the frivolity of what was in his place on the cover. He was poking fun at the ridiculous concerns of the magazine.

  13. No, what Obama did was not cool.

    He knows that every word he says matters. He didn't need to call attention to Jessica Simpson's weight. It was a mistake. He appeared to making fun of her, not the magazine.

    He certainly wasn't poking fun at the magazine's "ridiculous concerns." That doesn't make sense. Does he consider his wife and daughters, the covergirls, to be "ridiculous"?

  14. Matt Lauer forsaw his comment snowballing into something like this and that's why he clarified after the airing of the interview. We have all said things that were misinterpreted unfairly. Why should Obama be scorned for reading off the magazine? People are too quick to judge! Have a sense of humor! I have a 21st century term for some of you: Haters.

  15. The lunatic left, the gift that keeps on giving. Some points to ponder...

    If Mary is so "insane", "crazy", an "idiot" and so forth, why are so many of the lunatic flock reading this blog? I certainly don't waste MY TIME reading people who I think are idiots. Why do Obamatards?

    Payback is certainly a bitch, Obamatards. A real bitch. I certainly am no Bush/Cheney apologist, though the disgusting vitriol by the lunatic left was utterly pathetic. Akin to children throwing tantrums while smearing their own feces all over themselves. THAT is how the media and the lunatic left behaved during Bush's terms. Now, we get a chance to see the Messiah shit all over himself and we get to sit back and simply observe. LOL Apparently, the simple act of observing is too much for the Obamatards.

    The Messiah gaffed. Too bad for the Obamatards who pushed forth the idea he was this brilliant, funny, silver-tongue saviour that walks on water. The problem is he is nothing of the sort and since the left put him on a pedestal so high, only Gods can climb, he will be judged by those standards. Obamatards aren't saying that we must play by different rules now, are they?


  16. Shouldn't all of you be out looking for employment? I'm in grad school so I can waste my time, what's your excuse?

    If you have a job, GET BACK TO WORK!

  17. Yeah, it may have sounded like he was poking fun at Jess, but Matt also seemed like he was setting him up to go there a little. If anyone clearly saw the cover he was merely stating what the cover said was apparent, she is having a weight battle.
    He didn't laugh or call her fat, US magazine made the headline, not President Obama.

  18. Obama's a very well spoken and intelligent man so I'm sure that he'd be smart enough not to say anything inappropriate that would offend anyone. In fact, that's exactly what he did. All he did was read the magazine headline referring to Jessica Simpson. The "oh well" referred to him being replaced on the front cover (as in, he doesn't care that he was cut out of the picture). Learn how to read emotions and have a sense of humor, people!

  19. I agree with all the comments indicating that Obama was just reading the magainzine cover. In fact I don't even understand why Freedom Eden would even think this was news worthy...unless, wait... they are staunch Bush supporters. Hey, this country needed a shave (NO MORE BUSH!).

  20. I think he was just reading out loud although he is known to like the taste of shoe leather.

  21. Obama must know that weight is a sensitive issue.

    Obama has displayed that he has a rather cruel sense of humor.

    Another example is his "joke" about his bowling being like Special Olympics.

    I think he needs to think before he speaks.

  22. I know this is old news, but not many people are pointing out the sarcasm and dry wit of the matter. As a master in the art of sarcasm, I laughed. But many other people didn't see it for what it is. Good sarcasm is dry. And he was implicitly poking fun at media coverage.

    There's also a couple discrepancies in your blog report: 1. People around the nation have already heard about her so-called "weight battle" (something she never cared about to begin with since she's always advocating the positives of being curvacious) being that the magazine is readily available everywhere...; 2. Jessica Simpson actually has spoken out about the criticism a week after saying "I feel like in our world today, we focus on so many things that are completely pointless."

    Her quote sums it up pretty well. I hope almost a year later you've learned to research more before speaking and are concerning yourself over his policies and less on his wit.


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