Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama and Julio Osegueda

Barack Obama was Santa Claus at his town hall meeting in Fort Myers, Florida on Tuesday.

Ask Julio Osegueda. It was like Christmas morning.

Transcript, Rush Limbaugh: "Americans Beg Their President for Free Stuff at Town Hall Meeting"

JULIO: Mr. President, I'm currently a student at Edison State College in my second semester. And, okay, I've been at the same job, which is McDonald's, for four-and-a-half years because of the fact that I can't find another job. Now, with the fact that I've been there for as long as I've been there, do you have any plan or any idea of making one that has been there for a long time receive any better benefits than what they've already received?

RUSH: All right, now that's a totally incoherent question. I don't know how the guy got in college. I do know how he got in college. Hell, high school graduates who can't read get in college, particularly if they can play football or baseball. But this guy, what does he want here? Here, play it again. You heard right. I don't know what his question is, he just wants more benefits, just wants more benefits, he's been working at McDonald's for four years, wants more benefits. Benefits, benefits, benefits, benefits, benefits, benefits, he wants more benefits, and he's a little bit frustrated, when's Obama going to come through.

JULIO: Mr. President, I'm currently a student at Edison State College in my second semester. And, okay, I've been at the same job, which is McDonald's, for four-and-a-half years because of the fact that I can't find another job. Now, with the fact that I've been there for as long as I've been there, do you have any plan or any idea of making one that has been there for a long time receive any better benefits than what they've already received?

RUSH: With the fact that I've been there for as long as I've been there, do you have any plan or any idea of making one that has been there for a long time, receive any better benefits than what they've already received? So what he's saying is, "I've been there four-and-a-half years and I'm still getting screwed by this outfit, McDonald's. Do you have a plan to get me any better compensation and better benefits?" I'll tell you, I don't know what he's going to do with Henrietta Hughes, the woman who wants the house, the car, the kitchen. I don't know what their staff is going to do about that. My guess is we won't hear any more about Henrietta Hughes. You don't think so? You think we'll hear more about Henrietta Hughes? I'm not so sure, Dawn. This is a PR opportunity for these people. We'll wait and see.

As for poor old Julio here, I tell you what, I think everybody out there, if you want a new house, if you want a new kitchen, a new car, even a new job, you need to contact the White House. You need to call the office of the president. You need to call Barack Obama. If the line's busy, call Nancy Pelosi. If that line is busy, call Harry Reid. They'll try and help you get your new house, your new car, and your new kitchen, even a new job, that's who to call. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid. Here, by the way, is Obama's answer to Julio, who wants more benefits and wants to know what Obama's going to do about upping the benefits that this guy is getting shafted on from McDonald's.

OBAMA: The fact that you are working as hard as you're working at a job that I know doesn't always pay as well as some other jobs, I think that's a source of pride for you. That shows that you're doing the right thing. Now, the second thing is is that you will actually benefit from the tax breaks that we're talking about, so you'll be able to keep a little bit of extra money, 'cause we're going to offset your payroll tax. That's gonna help.

RUSH: And this kid, "I'm not talking about that. That means I have to keep working."


RUSH: All right, folks. If I were president of the United States, and I had a town hall meeting -- I don't care where it was -- and I was asked to give somebody a car, kitchen, and a house; and then the next guy said, "Look, I work at McDonald's. I'm getting shafted. What can you do about getting me benefits?" and the next guy said, "Look, I make $3,600 a month, but I got laid off, now I'm going to make $1,100 a month with unemployment. When's the government going to make up the difference?" I'd quit. I would consider myself an abject failure. I'd turn it over to my vice president, and I would leave and go someplace. The difference is, Obama eats this up. Everybody is saying... I asked a staff a moment ago a little quick question. Henrietta Hughes. She's the woman in Fort Myers that wants the house, the car, and the kitchen. Everybody thinks, "Well, it's the last we'll hear of Henrietta Hughes."

No, it's not. I will bet you that inside of two weeks, Henrietta Hughes will be on Oprah, at which time she will get all of that stuff. Oprah's company will buy it. Oprah and Obama will share the credit, and we will see how the new America works together to solve problems. And then we will be told, "All you have to do is ask. All you have to do is ask." Now if you're poor old Julio, Julio's probably saying, "What the hell did I take the day off for? This is all I get? I show up, I'm at McDonald's for four-and-a-half years, and I'm getting screwed on benefits. I asked the president for more benefits and he tells me, the president of the United States tells me, 'Hang on, pal. I'm going to cut your payroll tax so you'll have a little bit more to spend.'" Julio said, "That's exactly what I need. I need enough money for another Happy Meal every month. Yippee yippee yippee yippee." Oh! If you don't laugh at this stuff, folks, you get depressed. You get really depressed.

Limbaugh underestimated the good fortune that would befall Henrietta Hughes and Julio Osegueda as a result of their encounters with Obama.

It turns out Julio is going to get more than just the cut on his payroll tax.

It's a miracle!

Henrietta Hughes got herself a house, and Julio Osegueda has been offered work and an internship.

Praise be to Obama!


One of the most memorable questions from President Barack Obama's town hall meeting in Fort Myers was from Julio Osegueda, an Edison State College communications major.

The McDonald's employee was overcome with emotion as he spoke to Obama.

"It's such a blessing to see you, Mr. President. Thank you for taking time out of your day, oh, gracious God, thank you so much!" he said. "My name is Julio Osegueda. I'm a student at Edison State College. For four-and-a-half years I've worked at the same job - at McDonalds. I can't find another job. Do you have a plan for better benefits?"

Osegueda says he wants to break into broadcasting. And after Tuesday, he's already fielding some local offers.

The Fort Myers Miracle baseball team invited him to be a color commentator for their home opener against the Charlotte Stone Crabs.

We've also learned the morning show at WXKB-FM may offer him an internship.

Obama makes dreams come true!

I know that he's only been the president for three weeks but it's clear that he's the greatest president in American history.


  1. Rush did not even graduate from any college. He is just a jealous fool. If he thinks that he is so great and popular; he needs to run for an office.

  2. How come every wack-job that appears on TV these days gets offered jobs, book deals, movie deals etc? I went to school for Journalism and paid hefty tuition and can't just "get a job" from ranting in public about my plight like the young man at the Obama appearance yesterday (not to mention that the young man in Ft. Myers sounded barely literate which one would guess is a prerequisite for radio). Mom with 14 kids is going to make millions off of her irresponsibility and mental instability while sticking taxpayers with her medical bills. Christ, maybe I need to stand behind a CNN reporter and rail against the Universe and maybe I, too, can finally get employed...or at least a movie/book deal offer! and hey! Unlike the French Fry Jockey, I actually have work experience and was once accepted by CNN for a VJ position back in the 80's but I turned it down!

  3. Sode, Harry Truman didn't graduate from college.

  4. "Rush did not even graduate from any college. He is just a jealous fool."

    Rush makes $33 million a year*. Why would he be jealous?

    * Source

  5. Break out the lube, Obama's gettin us cars!


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