Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama's Fear Factor

The Democrats have been complaining for years about President Bush and Republicans playing the politics of fear.

Barack Obama railed against that during his campaign.

Now, he's trying to scare Americans into submission to accept the Democrats' trillion dollar spending bill masquerading as an economic stimulus plan.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says the time for talk on an economic recovery package is over and "the time for action is now."

Speaking at the Energy Department, Obama made a fresh plea for the stimulus plan that the Senate is debating. He cited the latest bad economic news of jobless claims as another reason for quick action.

He said: "The time for talk is over, the time for action is now."

...Obama painted a bleak picture if lawmakers do nothing.

In an op-ed piece in The Washington Post, the president argued that each day without his stimulus package, Americans lose more jobs, savings and homes. His message came as congressional leaders struggle to control the huge stimulus bill that's been growing larger by the day in the Senate. The addition of a new tax break for homebuyers Wednesday evening sent the price tag well past $900 billion.

"This recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse," Obama wrote in the newspaper piece.

It's irresponsible of Obama to say that if the Democrats' bloated spending bill, bursting with anti-economic stimulus crap, isn't passed, then that might mean the end of American prosperity.

If the bill doesn't pass, we may never reverse the economic crisis.

Obama is disgracefully using that over the top rhetoric to create a panic. The hope is to pass the bill before all the needless spending and entitlements can be brought to light. The more the American people learn about what's in the bill, the more they want no part of it.

So Obama chooses to talk of imminent catastrophe. He wants to create an environment where people are too frightened to take the time to examine the details of the bill.

He needs Americans to be afraid, too afraid to reject the Dems' plan.

Obama is no FDR. You won't hear Obama say, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

No. Obama is about fear. He wants fear.

Help! Rescue me!

The Dems want more government intervention to seem like the only option. They thrive on the dependence of people. Dependency is the source of their power.

I think the only thing we have to fear is Obama's anti-economic stimulus spending orgy.


  1. At this point even Joe Biden would be a better President than Obama. That is just how screwed we are.

  2. I want to know when the last time Obama told the truth was. All his garbage about choosing hope over fear is ONE OF the biggest lies he's told during this election cycle.

    He's still not qualified to be President, or eligible under the Constitution. Regardless of the drones, illiterates, and lying sycophants that voted him in.

    Does the Constitution have any meaning now? 52% of this country voted to make it meaningless.

    Does anyone else think we're entering a period of lawlessness in this country?

    Why does anyone need to pay taxes when you can get appointed to Obamas cabinet if you don't pay them. Also, why not steal when the alleged president of the united states can take unknown amounts of money from Tony Rezko and other criminals to fuel a political campaign. (Not to mention all the unnamed donors to the campaign)

    And the money stuff is in addition to all the other criminal actions this man has performed with drugs and other 'Obamanations' haha. Anyone know what happened to the choir director in his 'church?' He's dead and apparently had a relationship with Obama. Donald Young is the name.

    He's such a poor example of a human being that I don't expect the public guided by this role model to go anywhere but downhill.


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