Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama's News Conference

Oh, my God.

Barack Obama's first prime time news conference as president was an absolute mess.

He didn't have a deer in the headlights look during his opening remarks. Why?


I may have missed it, but he wasn't talking to the American people. He was giving us profile shots.

I can't believe how he babbled on and on. His response to the first question must have been close to ten minutes. Historic!

He did pick up speed as he got rolling, but it didn't seem like it because he kept repeating himself and going off on tangents. He was rambling.

I'm sure Lefties are thrilled with Obama's delivery. Finally, an intelligent president. Finally, a president that doesn't butcher the English language.

I thought he was rather Nixonian, with the dour expression, head down and eyes raised. Never looking into the camera, especially during his opening remarks, gave him a shifty sort of look. As I said, he was reminiscent of Nixon. President Bush was so much more relaxed in his press conferences. He could connect.

Obama reminded me of Al Gore during the presidential debates in 2000.


At least half of the questions, Obama didn't really answer. He kept talking, talking, talking about the stimulus bill.

Question 1 - Associated Press
Question 2 - Reuters
Question 3- CBS
Question 4 - NBC
Question 5 - Bloomberg
Question 6 - ABC
Question 7 - CNN
Question 8 - New York Times
Question 9 - FOX
Question 10 - Washington Post
Question 11 - Helen Thomas
Question 12 - Huffington Post
Question 13 - NPR

The Huffington Post?

Good Lord!

What? No one from Democratic Underground?

Not exactly fair and balanced.

When Obama said that Iran has done some things that have been "unhelpful," he lost me. I wouldn't classify calling for the annihilation of Israel as "unhelpful."

When he said, "There's no such thing as a free lunch," I was thinking about all the welfare included in the so-called stimulus bill. Oh, yeah. There is such a thing as a free lunch.

Obama said, "My bottom line is: Are we creating 4 million jobs?" Oops! That was a mistake. Earlier in the news conference, Obama said his usual slick line, creating or preserving jobs. The number always varies. Obama and this jobs thing really drives me nuts. He's so vague.

I think Obama was nervous. He seemed very tense at the beginning of the news conference, but he loosened up when he hit the hour mark. He probably saw the finish line in sight.

The line of the night had to be this:
"It is absolutely true that we can't depend on government alone to create jobs or economic growth," he said. "But at this particular moment, with the private sector so weakened by this recession, the federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back into life. It is only government that can break the vicious cycle where lost jobs lead to people spending less money which leads to even more layoffs."

"Only government."

That's Obama. Talk about a power grab.

He ended with "Thank you, guys."

Not ready for prime time.


  1. Tonight was the opening salvo on converting the USA to Socialism. It wasn't thinly veiled.

    The party is over. We aren't going to be able to spend as we have in the past, so says Obama. The American Dream is history. Too bad most citizens don't realize it. They still don't want anything to do with politics.

    I wonder how some folks are feeling that voted for him. They were duped and this time it's serious.

  2. BTW, the USA's government isn't big enough to "fix" the economy. Somebody should tell Obama. But, then again, I'm not sure a junior Senator from a big city political machine has any kind of perspective on the realities of our country much less the entire world. Actually, I am sure that he doesn't. They most likely see everything as revolving around themselves and their sophomoric ignorance.

  3. Imagine, just imagine if Bush had used a teleprompter during a news conference. Just frickin' imagine.

  4. "I may have missed it, but he wasn't talking to the American people. He was giving us profile shots."

    Of course he was, he was alternating between the two teleprompters on either side of him...


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