Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama's Statement on Daschle's Withdrawal

From Washington Wire, WJS:
The text of Obama’s statement on Daschle’s withdrawal of his nomination:
This morning, Tom Daschle asked me to withdraw his nomination for secretary of health and human services. I accept his decision with sadness and regret.

Tom Daschle has devoted his life to public service and health care reform, so that every American has access to health care they can afford. I had hoped that he could bring this passion and expertise to bear to finally achieve that goal, which is so
essential to the progress of our economy and the well-being of businesses and families across our nation.

Tom made a mistake, which he openly acknowledged. He has not excused it, nor do I.
But that mistake, and this decision, cannot diminish the many contributions Tom has made to this country, from his years in the military to his decades of public service.

Now we must move forward, with our plan to lift this economy and put people back to work.

Obama certainly did excuse Daschle's "mistake."

Yesterday, he was asked, "Mr. President, do you still stand behind Tom Daschle?"

Obama responded, "Absolutely."

Video here.

Obama knew about Daschle's tax evasion and his issues as a possible unregistered lobbyist.

Nonetheless, Obama "absolutely" supported Daschle.

*Flip Flop Alert*Flip Flop Alert*Flip Flop Alert*

Obama supported tax cheat Daschle before he didn't.

The question remains: Will Daschle, tax cheat and crook, be part of Obama's administration in this capacity?

Mr. Obama has named Mr. Daschle to a second position, as director of a new White House Office of Health Reform. That job is not subject to Senate confirmation.

If Daschle does keep this post, why is that acceptable to Obama?

Daschle should have no place in Obama's administration.

Just how hypocritical can Obama be?

We're learning.

Another question: Does Daschle expect the IRS to enforce our laws?

"Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter."

--Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.

1 comment:

  1. He's made pathetic appointments so far. I smell a failure.

    Then again, with no experience, why would he have any clue as to how to participate in a full time job, much less run the most prosperous nation on earth?

    Im sure that this is going to get worse, but my HOPE is that we will CHANGE presidents in 2012.

    Obama = Caligula


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