Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Senate Passes Stimulus Bill 61-37

From FOX News:
The Senate approved an $838 billion economic recovery package bill Tuesday, as Democrats held on to the few Republican supporters who helped hammer out a compromise measure last week.

The bill passed by a vote of 61-37. Sixty votes were needed.

But the work has only just begun for congressional leaders in the House and Senate, who now must reconcile the differences between their two versions of the bill during what's known as a conference committee.

Those negotiations could drive up the price tag of the bill as each chamber fights for its priorities. The House version of the bill is $819 billion.

The talks could also last through next week, potentially passing President Obama's Feb. 16 deadline.

...The package is a blend of spending, tax cuts and incentives that both the administration and Democrats in Congress hope will create jobs and stimulate the economy. But most Republican lawmakers oppose it, saying that while government action may be necessary the plan as crafted is too bloated with wasteful spending.

...One concern is that altering the Senate bill could risk the support of the three key Republican senators: Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter.

The bill needed 60 votes to pass.

If not for so-called Republicans Snowe, Collins, and Specter, it would not have happened.

They're a disgrace.


Pat Toomey: A Capitulation, Not a Compromise

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