Sunday, February 8, 2009

Will Ferrell and George W. Bush on Broadway

The New York Times reports on Will Ferrell's Broadway show, You're Welcome America. A Final Night with George W Bush.
No surprise, the play has been a major draw for New York liberals. The production, which largely features Mr. Ferrell doing the Bush character he made famous on “Saturday Night Live” on NBC, has been playing to near capacity at the Cort Theater, which has more than 1,000 seats, since it began previews on Inauguration Day. It is scheduled to run through March 15, and will be presented live on HBO next month.

The show has a controversial moment that has prompted some audience members to walk out.
They’ve been standing up... after the projection of a supersize photo on the backdrop of the stage. A photo of a penis. Specifically, as Mr. Ferrell (who plays President Bush) leads the audience to believe, the president’s penis. Except that’s not quite right.

“It’s an anonymous but age-appropriate public domain Internet penis,” said Adam McKay, the play’s director. “We went on the Web and got a penis.”

“It’s not the president’s penis, as far as I know, and Will is 41, so we weren’t going to use his,” Mr. McKay added. “What I do know is that the photo gets one of the great shrieks of delight from the audience, and it’s also the one moment that is followed by people walking out.”

...“We were joking that now that he was out of office, he could do whatever he wants,” Mr. McKay said, “and so I said, ‘Let’s have him show his own penis,’ and Ferrell was like, ‘O.K.’ ”

“He is a frat boy, a big party guy, and you could imagine him doing this,” Mr. McKay added, describing Mr. Bush, who is 63. “Though I want to make clear I’m not blaming the president for our very bad taste.”

McKay and Ferrell are deranged, but they're obviously giving New York libs exactly what they want.

That's what's really pathetic.

Of course, one probably would not choose to go to a show that mocks President Bush unless one has an unfavorable opinion of the President in the first place. I assume the audience has a high level of tolerance for Bush bashing, finding it to be a pleasurable activity.

The few walk-outs are scattered. They're the aberration. Thousands are staying for the entire show and enjoying it. At least they don't find it offensive enough to get up and leave.
Mr. McKay said he did not have legal concerns about defaming Mr. Bush with the image, or about using someone’s penis in an unauthorized way.

The former president’s spokesman, Robert Saliterman, declined to comment on Friday when asked about the use of the photo.

I can see why McKay wouldn't be worried about legal concerns regarding defaming President Bush. After eight years and counting of defamation, why should they be concerned about that? Anyway, he and Ferrell are setting out to defame him.

Maybe Barack and Michelle Obama will elect to attend Ferrell's show on their next "date night." Maybe they'll call for a command performance at the White House.

Maybe when the show is aired live on HBO next month Obama will host a viewing party, though I doubt it will be a bipartisan affair.


  1. “He is a frat boy, a big party guy, and you could imagine him doing this,”
    Um, no, I can't imagine President Bush doing that. He's a grown up, dignified man, and a former President, and I can say without a doubt that he would never be so crass. I really think Will Ferrell is funny, but I've lost a lot of respect for him for being an integral part of this.

  2. Those weapons of mass destruction gotta be around here someplace, nope not under here...

    G.W. Bush on his concern for US troops looking for WMD in Iraq.

  3. Bush would NEVER be so crass as to joke about his penis! Or, say, the Weapons of Mass Destruction that led us to Endless War in Iraq!

    Bush is a national treasure!

  4. I agree, DW.

    Ferrell can be hilarious but his judgment on this seems off.

    There was a time that I used to think Bill Maher was funny, too.


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