Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DNC Statement: "Angry Mobs," "K Street Lobbyists"

According to the Democratic National Committee, I'm part of the "angry mobs" incited by "K Street Lobbyists."




And anyone who regurgitates the DNC's crap is serving as an accomplice in an attempt to stifle free speech and discredit Americans for speaking up and speaking out on government-run health care.

The DNC is engaged in a disgusting smear campaign, meant to marginalize the sincere concerns that millions of Americans have about the Democrats' plan to socialize medical care in the U.S.

I embrace free speech.

The Democrats and Obama fear it.

Here's the despicable full statement as released by DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse:

Statement from DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse on the Republican Party and Allied Groups’ Mob Rule:

The Republicans and their allied groups – desperate after losing two consecutive elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill – are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America taking place in Congressional Districts across the country.

However, much like we saw at the McCain-Palin rallies last year where crowds were baited with cries of 'socialist,' 'communist,' and where the birthers movement was born – these mobs of extremists are not interested in having a thoughtful discussion about the issues – but like some Republican leaders have said – they are interested in ‘breaking’ the President and destroying his Presidency.

These mobs are bussed in by well funded, highly organized groups run by Republican operatives and funded by the special interests who are desperately trying to stop the agenda for change the President was elected to bring to Washington. Despite the headline grabbing nature of these angry mobs and their disruptions of events, they are not reflective of where the American people are on the issues – or the hundreds of thousands of thoughtful discussions taking place around kitchen tables, water coolers and in homes.

The right wing extremists’ use of things like devil horns on pictures of our elected officials, hanging members of Congress in effigy, breathlessly questioning the President's citizenship and the use of Nazi SS symbols and the like just shows how outside of the mainstream the Republican Party and their allies are. This type of anger and discord did not serve Republicans well in 2008 – and it is bound to backfire again.

"Mob rule"? What a crock!

This is disgraceful. These smear tactics make me sick.

I have nothing to do with the RNC. I'm not registered with any political party. I'm not funded by anyone. I don't work for an insurance company. No one in my family does.

I'm not an extremist. I don't draw things like devil horns on pictures of our elected officials, or hang members of Congress in effigy. I don't breathlessly question Obama's citizenship. I don't use Nazi SS symbols.

Raising that stuff is just the DNC's way of deflecting from the real issue.

The reality is Obama and the Democrats are lying about government-run health care and what it would mean for American families.

They are lying. They have to deceive Americans, because when we learn what their plan would mean to our families, we want no part of it.

Obama cannot promise that you can keep your current health insurance coverage because there's no way he can guarantee your employer will continue to offer it, particularly given the incentives for employers to "choose" the public option.

I want no part of rationed care and the horrific policy suggestions of the ghoulish Ezekiel Emanuel and his creepy cohorts.

Opposing government-run health care and speaking out about what a disaster it would be for the country doesn't make one a "right wing extremist."

What a terrible move to suggest that millions of Americans who oppose government-run health care are extremists and the puppets of K Street lobbyists!

This smear campaign solidifies my belief that Obama and his comrades must not be allowed to come between me and my doctor, and make life and death decisions for me and my family.

Don't tread on me, DNC.

Don't tread on me, Dick Durbin and your Democrat colleagues.

Don't tread on me, Obama.


Here's the Republican reaction to the DNC statement:

Comment by National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain on Offensive DNC 'Mob Rule' Statement:

What Democrats call ‘mob rule’ the average American calls ‘democracy.' Is this the strategy Democrats had in mind when they promised to galvanize public opinion regarding their unpopular massive government-takeover of health care?

This hyper-defensive reaction from the Democrat Party speaks volumes about the precarious position their members find themselves in. Speaker Pelosi and other party leaders dubbed this recess a healthcare ‘offensive,’ but little did we know the ‘offensiveness’ would be aimed at their own constituents. These kinds of despicable characterizations of middle class Americans, who oppose trillions in mounting government debt, as elements of the partisan ‘fringe’ smacks of elitism.


  1. "...stifle free speech..."

    What speech are we talking about here? There is no speech occurring. It's a bunch of people screeming.

    Keep it up. It makes the right look like a bunch of kooks. We'll take the votes of all the fence sitters turned off by such tactics.

    And yes, I frown upon it when it's used by my side too.

  2. Of course, it's free speech.

    You're mischaracterizing these alleged "angry mobs."

    Haven't you heard the town hall participants speak? They aren't screaming.

    Noah Logue was very eloquent. I don't think he's a kook.

  3. Interesting that the criticism is not based on WHAT the opposition is saying, just HOW they are saying it.

    Classic diversionary tactics.

    I don't like what you are saying so I make fun of your manner of speaking. It's the standard retreat of the intellectually bankrupt.

    Dont Tread on Me

  4. Saul Alinsky would be proud.


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