Friday, August 14, 2009

Ed Schultz: Conservatives 'Want Obama to Get Shot'

On Tuesday, MSNBC's Ed Schultz made some horrible, reckless, utterly irresponsible remarks about conservatives.

The Radio Equalizer has the video and the transcript.

ED SCHULTZ: It's almost as if every one of these town hall meetings is turning into The Jerry Springer Show. And there are many Americans right now who are starting to fear for the safety of the president of the United States, all over health care reform.

Folks, these people are psycho. That's what they are.


SCHULTZ: Sometimes I think they want Obama to get shot. I do. I really think that there are conservative broadcasters in this country who would love to see Obama taken out. They fear socialism. They fear Marxism. They fear that the United States of America won't be the United States of America anymore.

That is sick beyond words.

I know plenty of people who strongly disagree with Obama and think he's taking our country down the worng path.

I don't know a single person who wants Obama to get shot. I don't know anyone who wants to see physical harm of any sort come to him.

Why would Schultz make such a terrible accusation?

Maybe he's desperate for attention. Maybe he's shameless and willing to do anything for a ratings boost.

Who knows?

Whatever his motivation, he's a disgrace.

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