Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The White House wants me to report any emails about health care insurance reform that seem "fishy."
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

I just received the following email.

It's very, VERY fishy. It's filled with disinformation.

From: "President Barack Obama"
To: Mary
Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: This is the moment

Friend --

This is the moment our movement was built for.

For one month, the fight for health insurance reform leaves the backrooms of Washington, D.C., and returns to communities across America. Throughout August, members of Congress are back home, where the hands they shake and the voices they hear will not belong to lobbyists, but to people like you.

Home is where we're strongest. We didn't win last year's election together at a committee hearing in D.C. We won it on the doorsteps and the phone lines, at the softball games and the town meetings, and in every part of this great country where people gather to talk about what matters most. And if you're willing to step up once again, that's exactly where we're going to win this historic campaign for the guaranteed, affordable health insurance that every American deserves.

There are those who profit from the status quo, or see this debate as a political game, and they will stop at nothing to block reform. They are filling the airwaves and the internet with outrageous falsehoods to scare people into opposing change. And some people, not surprisingly, are getting pretty nervous. So we've got to get out there, fight lies with truth, and set the record straight.

That's why Organizing for America is putting together thousands of events this month where you can reach out to neighbors, show your support, and make certain your members of Congress know that you're counting on them to act.

But these canvasses, town halls, and gatherings only make a difference if you turn up to knock on doors, share your views, and show your support. So here's what I need from you:

Can you commit to join at least one event in your community this month?

In politics, there's a rule that says when you ask people to get involved, always tell them it'll be easy. Well, let's be honest here: Passing comprehensive health insurance reform will not be easy. Every President since Harry Truman has talked about it, and the most powerful and experienced lobbyists in Washington stand in the way.

But every day we don't act, Americans watch their premiums rise three times faster than wages, small businesses and families are pushed towards bankruptcy, and 14,000 people lose their coverage entirely. The cost of inaction is simply too much for the people of this nation to bear.

So yes, fixing this crisis will not be easy. Our opponents will attack us every day for daring to try. It will require time, and hard work, and there will be days when we don't know if we have anything more to give. But there comes a moment when we all have to choose between doing what's easy, and doing what's right.

This is one of those times. And moments like this are what this movement was built for. So, are you ready?

Please commit now to taking at least one action in your community this month to build support for health insurance reform:

Let's seize this moment and win this historic victory for our economy, our health and our families.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

This is exactly the sort of disinformation that needs to be reported.

The American people need to be aware of this trash being circulated on the Internet.


  1. Hey, there's a blog I read that has this in its sidebar:

    "Obamacare: You Will Lose Your Current Insurance. Period. End of Story. Right there on Page 16 is a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal."

    Since that's 100% false, do you think we should email "" about it?

  2. As many of you may know, The White House website is asking Americans to report people passing along emails, websites and even casual conversations with "fishy" information regarding healthcare reform.

    What I have done and I hope you will to, is to email this link to the healthcare reform bill to the white house along with the following note. You would need to start a new email and copy and paste the following.



    Subject: Reporting a Website

    Body of email:

    To Whom It may Concern:

    Click here:

    Above you will find a website regarding health care reform. Unlike most citizens, I read everything like this completely and I have to tell you, I find this extremely "fishy". I do hope that you will contact the authors of this information and let them know that we, the American People....will not stand for anymore disinformation.

    Thank you for your help in this matter.

    Then....send the email to everyone you know asking them to do the same.

  3. Obama and the democrates keep lying about health care if it is good enough for the people why are our elected officials and unions not willing to have it as there insurance also.. FISHY ENOUGH FOR YA

  4. Can I report Fraud/B.S.? Just read the Obamacare plan. That would be more than he has done. Why don't you liberal D-bags get a job and work for what you want. Try to ween yourselves from the government cheese teet. Oh, that's right, the stimulus hasn't kicked in yet. Good luck finding that job!

  5. B. Connor, that is exactly why I reported their healthcare reform bill to the white house as

  6. Just remember WE THE PEOPLE are in charge... Lets use the liberals game plan, show up at meetings demand an explaination using disruptive means if necessary... God knows WE have not been heard in a while.... So we might have to use some of those Liberal tattics.... You remember those... right..... t=the news sure didn't call the War protesters of days past disruptive... what's up with that

  7. Jay Bullock,

    Have you contacted Investor's Business Daily?

    If you cooperate with the Obama regime's request, I think it would be nice to tell them that they're on the watch list.

  8. Tammy, B. Connor, and "Anonymous,"

    K Street Lobbyists are paying you, right?

    You're part of the "astroturf" movement, manufactured dissent.

    Beware of Jay Bullock and those of his Leftist ilk.

  9. I am not paid, nor do I even have health insurance or a job. I can assure you that I would rather have none....than to have my health care controlled by the government.

  10. Tammy, you mean you're a concerned American exercising your rights?

    You're interested in having your voice heard that you oppose government-run health care?

    Sorry. We're playing by Obama's rules now.

    We're supposed to shut up. If we don't, we're smeared. The White House wants to know who's not marching in lockstep.

    It really is unbelievable what's happening.

    The problem Obama and the Dems have is that Americans know what it's like to be free.

    I know I won't give up my freedom quietly.

  11. I am a average citizen. Mr Obama promised transparancy. If the imformation on the internet is not correct, where can i find a copy of the bill to read it myself.

  12. WAKE UP AMERICA: You were seduced by the idiotic lingo "vote for change". got it. Now suck it up or change things in the next election.

  13. Mary, It's also important that we provide alternative, free-market health care plans. Check out

  14. It's a big file. Be patient while it loads.

  15. Many White Americans and a few Black Americans are working overtime at Town Hall Meetings against their future. They are rallying against help for their children"s future health care plan and people who will lose their jobs in the future. They are not listening to the truth from our appointed officials who are trying to help all Americans get good, inexpensive, affordable Healthcare, medicine, and a regular check-up. An America with a Community Health Care Plan could only make us happier and healthier.

  16. To clarify--

    "Mary, 1:36 PM, August 08, 2009" is not me, the author of Freedom Eden.

  17. Obama-Obama-Obama, I'm thirsty, anyone have anymore of that KOOL-AID?

  18. Mary, it will be a cold day in hell before I shut up. I will go down fighting for the freedom of my family....and America.


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