Monday, August 3, 2009

Geithner and Summers: Tax Hike for the Middle Class

Tax increases for the middle class are on the way.

If they weren't, you can be sure Obama would be instructing his mouthpieces to make that clear.

From the Washington Times:

Wavering on an emphatic promise he made in the spring, top White House economic adviser Lawrence H. Summers would not rule out middle-class tax increases Sunday as a way for the Obama administration to pay for a sweeping health care plan.

The statement, which was echoed by Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner on Sunday's talk shows, pries open a door to the kinds of broad tax increases that Mr. Obama opposed in his campaign and that he and his advisers have ruled out since taking office in January.

In March, Mr. Summers told CNBC emphatically, "Let's be very clear. ... There are no, no tax increases this year. There are no, no tax increases next year."

On Sunday, however, Mr. Summers, the director of the National Economic Council, was much more circumspect, saying that circumstances change and options cannot be ruled out.

"There is a lot, though, there is a lot that can happen over time," Mr. Summers said when pressed on CBS' "Face the Nation" about whether the Obama administration would raise taxes on the middle class to cover the massive planned expansion of federal health care coverage and the ballooning federal deficits.

"It's never a good idea to absolutely rule things out no matter what," Mr. Summers said, elaborating by saying the administration would not act in ways that would be funded "primarily" by the middle class.

"But what the president has been completely clear on is that he is not going to pursue any of his priorities - not health care, not energy, nothing - in ways that are primarily burdening middle-class families," he said.

Mr. Geithner spoke similarly, declining to rule out broadly based tax increases, when pressed during an interview that aired Sunday. ABC's George Stephanopoulos invited Mr. Geithner five times to rule out raising taxes to pay for health care reform and/or to close the budget deficit - and he never did.

"Again, we're not at the point yet where we're going to make a judgment about what it's going to take," Mr. Geithner said on ABC's "This Week."

When asked about tax increases, "you're not ruling it out, you can't rule it out," Mr. Geithner responded: "I think that what the country needs to do is understand we're going to have to do what it takes. We're going to do what's necessary."

His remarks differed from Mr. Summers' words in March and contradicted what Mr. Obama called "a firm pledge" that no one other than the rich would have taxes raised.

Here's the "firm pledge":

OBAMA: And I can make a firm pledge: under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase - not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.

Another broken promise.


  1. What continues to be stunning to me is that no one in DC really cares a whit about what the people have to say on the matter. Whether it’s the Senators and Congressman standing before the people demanding explanations and that they read the bills and be true representatives of the people, or the administration force feeding the media and pushing what looks personally to me like a Fascist agenda it scares me to think we’ve reached this point in our country.

    Looking at the long term picture my plan is to clear out all my debts and start stocking wealth securing commodities because I think things are only going to get a lot tougher from here on out.

  2. I think this August will be a wake-up call for many elected officials.

  3. Boy has President Obama stepped in it now. The man has lost it. We know he has a hard time keeping Timmy in line. Geithner is ready to start the process, he is happy with the Tabasco tax that is hitting the middle class hard because they are the largest group of smokers, but in order to fund the growing number of new agencies and illegally funded programs Acorn, GMC, AIG, ETC it will be time to read his lips soon. The small business demise that has been started by this group if left on track will make it very easy to continue to socialize us. Small business is a group that stands up for their rights even while they are being squashed by the current administration. Lets start thinking about electing conservatives. We need your help ! Start hammering your politicians now about no more tax increases. So who do we believe Obama or Geithner? My pick is Geithner

  4. IHeartUrbanPlanning3:55 PM, August 03, 2009

    Want to see obama lie about not raising taxes:

    He just didn't say he wouldn't raise taxes, he swore it and said that this included any way shape or form...

    Anything to get elected huh?

  5. Watching that video gives me motion sickness.

  6. I think Geithner is being honest.

    It's a good cop/bad cop routine.


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