Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gwen Moore and Citizen Action of Wisconsin

The Dems are doing their best to assure that the Gwen Moore health care "informational session" doesn't end up being a YouTube moment.

Citizen Action of Wisconsin is organizing.

From: Brian
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:07:22 AM
Subject: This is getting serious

Will You Speak Up for Real Reform?

Dear xxxxxxxxxxx,

In recent weeks leaders like Gwen Moore have come under attack from protestors who are working from the health insurance industry's playbook for defeating reform.

This is a critical moment: Your attendance at an important listening session about health care tomorrow in Milwaukee is essential. Will you be there?

Conservative lobbying firms are spreading lies and misinformation to create fear and anxiety about health care reform, and inciting angry mobs to shout down their Member of Congress.

If you've seen the news during the past couple weeks, you know that protestors bent on disrupting town halls and stopping real discussion are targeting reformers like Gwen Moore.

That's why it is so important that you come out to Gwen's listening session at N. Division High School at 4pm Tuesday, August 11th.

Congresswoman Gwen Moore has worked tirelessly for many years to pass health care reform that brings down costs, expands access to quality care, and provides choice and stability to Wisconsin families.

I urge you to attend Gwen's special listening sessions on health care tomorrow and make your voice heard on this important issue.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
North Division High School
1011 W. Center Street
Milwaukee, WI

Please let us know if you plan to attend. Click here to send me a quick email.

Brian Rothgery
Health Care for America Now Coordinator

NOTE: Do not use your email program to forward this message to others as it has been personalized with your account information. To spread the word about this issue, please use the "Forward to a friend" link above.

I am so sick of this "angry mob" stuff.

It's disgusting the way the Leftists are smearing people with opposing views.

Gwen Moore isn't a victim here.

She ran for Congress. She won the election and now serves as the representative of all the people in the 4th District.

Moore should listen to all points of view. She should listen to the concerns of her constituents.

Why are groups like Citizen Action of Wisconsin and Obama's campaign arm, Organizing for America, treating this meeting like it's a battle to be won or lost?

It should be about a member of Congress simply listening to her constituents. That's part of her job. As it is, Moore is only taking questions submitted ahead of time.

The event is being carefully orchestrated. It's not really an open, public meeting.

If people opposed to government-run health care have concerns, they have a right to express them to Moore without being besmirched as members of an "angry mob."

Clearly, the Dems are afraid of the democratic process.


  1. "Constituents" is the key word here. If I were a Dem strat-a-ma-gician, I'd suggest doing absolutely nothing. Then, if the meeting ended up a bunch of screaming, white, old guys, it would seem quite odd, would it not?

    And WITH the call to arms, if it's STILL a bunch of SWOG, curious gets curiouser.

    Do I get points for coining the SWOG term?

  2. Why would it seem odd?

    Moore has thousands and thousands of constituents that are "white, old guys."

    No, you don't get points for coining a derogatory racial term.


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