Saturday, August 8, 2009

Helen Thomas, Robert Gibbs, and Selling Health Care

Helen Thomas isn't happy with the Obama administration and how it's handling health care reform.

Yes, this alleged member of the press lectured White House press secretary Robert Gibbs on what the administration should be doing to succeed in throwing the country into the abyss of a government-run system of rationed care. Thomas complained and argued.

This isn't journalism. It's advocacy.

Good grief.

Was this a White House press briefing? I imagine this is what a Dem conference call with fringe Leftist hacks would be like.

The press. The libs. I guess there's no real difference.



HELEN THOMAS: There's a perception among liberal columnists that you failed -- you've already failed and in selling Medicare reform. You don't clarify your points, you're turning the other cheek for everything the opposition is doing. And you seem very weak in your response. What I'm saying is you're not telling --

GIBBS: Is that a question. (Laughter.)

THOMAS: -- you have neither clarified your point of view or sold it.

GIBBS: Well, Helen --

THOMAS: And you can take one by one: on the euthanasia, on can't pick your own doctor, can't have your own surgery.

GIBBS: Well, Helen, I don't think there's a start and a finish line to this argument. At least if there is, we haven't gotten to the finish line. I think that's why I told these gentlemen that our advice would be to continue talking to your constituents, continuing to talk to them about why it's important that we get health care and health insurance reform, why it's important that we deal with things that aren't --

THOMAS: Well, why is the other side gaining so much? There's going to be a hiatus now where they're going to have a free reign.

GIBBS: Well, Helen, I think the President's had a pretty good week. I think if you look back -- we'll take this week.

So according to Thomas, liberal columnists believe that the Obama administration has failed in selling government-run health care.

Thomas acts as if it's appropriate for her to scold Gibbs for the administration's screw-ups and to advocate for reform.

She talks about Republicans and others against socialized medicine as the opposition and complains that the Obama administration is "turning the other cheek for everything" they do.

Thomas worries about the "hiatus."

And Gibbs just chuckles and smirks.

This is supposed to be a White House press briefing.

It's such a bizarre, embarrassing exchange. Really odd.

I know Thomas is an elderly woman, but she has her lucid moments. Gibbs should not have entertained her little rant.

Actually, Thomas does deserve some points for being honest. At least she's upfront about what she's doing. She doesn't pretend to be fair and balanced, like others in the White House press corps. There's no pretense about objectivity.

She's a lib and very proud of it.

In this situation and overall, Gibbs does an awful job.

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