Monday, August 10, 2009

Niki Tsongas: Town Hall (Video)

Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, Democrat, voted to exempt herself from being subjected to the "public option."

A constituent wants to know why, if the Obama plan is so fantastic, Tsongas wants to protect herself from government-run health care.

Video, from Breitbart.

Transcript, from Hot Air
CONSTITUENT: My question to you, Congresswoman Tsongas, is that if this is such a great plan, why did you opt out of it when you took the vote [loud applause, standing ovation]?

TSONGAS: People often say why don’t the American people have what those of us in Congress have. [Audience erupts] Let me explain what I have. Let me explain what I have. What I have is a tremendous array — you know, last year when I went to a discussion — what I have is a tremendous array of choices. And I made a choice based on what I was willing to pay for and what made sense in terms of coverage for me and my family. [Audience shouts out: "We want choice! We want choice!] That is essentially what we are creating for the American people. We are creating greater choice.

[Smattering of applause overwhelmed by boos.]

Tsongas really didn't answer the question.

I have yet to hear any congressman provide a clear answer.

Enough with the double standard. No exemptions.

It's absurd to suggest that ObamaCare will create greater choice for Americans. Obama has made it very clear that his health care goal is a single-payer system.

I think every member of Congress who votes for ObamaCare should be required to choose the public option.

I think Obama should be required to have his wife and children covered by ObamaCare.

When that happens, I'll support ObamaCare.

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