Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama: Slang Dictionary -- COOL

Obama has made it into a slang dictionary.

From Reuters:

The sixth edition of "UCLA Slang" is being published this month and it is just "presh!"

The book is released every four years by linguistics professor Pamela Munro and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Munro said the lighthearted dictionary is put together using a methodical process that starts with students collecting slang from friends followed by a detailed analysis to make sure submissions are spelled and defined correctly.

...The 160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said.

The dictionary supplies such words and definitions as "presh," which means cute or precious.

Other terms or phrases include "fomo," or fear of missing out, "schwa" for wow; and "obama," meaning cool, as in "You so obama."

Good grief.

If I said, "You so obama".... Well, I would never say "You so" anything. I use verbs.

If I were to use the term "obama," I certainly wouldn't use it as a synonym for "cool."

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