Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama: Town Hall Portsmouth, NH

Obama is holding a town hall meeting in New Hampshire right now.

He's lying about H.R. 3200.

He's making promises that he can't keep.

He's saying anything to save his government-run health care plan.

Obama just said that he's not promoting a single payer system.

Again, he's saying that people won't lose their current plans. That is BS. It's a lie. He can't guarantee that.

He's lying about the cost of his health care scheme. He guarantees it won't add to the deficit, while pledging not to raise taxes on the middle class.

Don't believe it.

PORTSMOUTH, N.H.Hoping to blunt the momentum of critics, President Barack Obama went on the offensive in support of his health care plan, urging the country not to buy into those who seek to "scare and mislead the American people."

"For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing," Obama told a friendly town hall audience.

Retooling his message amid sliding support, Obama appealed for a rational debate and poked at critics who he said were trying to "scare the heck out of folks." He said there should be a vigorous debate over health care, but "with each other, not over each other."

"Where we disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that don't bear any resemblance to anything that's actually being proposed," Obama said, trying to wrest back control over a debate at the core of his political agenda.

Obama is all spin, desperate to impose a single payer, government-run system on Americans (except members of Congress, union hacks, government employees).

Must read: Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill

Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill, Part 2


Obama just said: "Mental health has always been undervalued."

Oh, God.


Obama said there will be health panels of experts to determine which procedures are appropriate. He completely dodged the issue of the panel denying services to the very ill and the very old.

He's talking about transferring medical records electronically and the tremendous savings that will bring. I've talked to people in IT. Obama is basing his cost savings on an imaginary system, one that doesn't exist. The expense of creating such a system would be enormous; and obviously, it would require a tremendous amount of government regulation, raising privacy concerns.

Last question at the event: One system for Congress, one for ordinary Americans -- Why hasn't Obama chastised Congress for that?

Obama says he disagrees with the double standard.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's nice, but totally meaningless.

Obama also denied that flag@whitehouse.gov is a way to compile an enemies list.

This wasn't an open town hall meeting. It was a rally for ObamaCare, filled with Obama supporters.


  1. Obama is in La-La Land. The infrastructure required to implement and maintain his delusion DOES NOT EXIST. It would take years and years to establish any of this and then 20 more years to work out the bugs.

    OBAMA HAS NO PLAN! Yes I am yelling.

  2. I suppose you're wearing a swastika, too.

  3. Speaking as a new Independent embarrassed to say I was Republican, I wish Republicans would get there act together. We need your input and not the scare tactics. Anybody that thinks our current insurance system is working is either working for the Government or not living in a reality. Additionally, anybody that thinks private insurance companies won't drop you or increase your rates if you or a family member has a serious medical issue needs their head examined. Oops, probably not paid by your insurance. Sorry.

  4. "[A]nybody that thinks private insurance companies won't drop you or increase your rates if you or a family member has a serious medical issue needs their head examined."

    That's absolutely ridiculous, complete BS.


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