Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ben Bernanke - TIME Person of the Year

I am amazed that TIME did not choose Obama to be its "Person of the Year."

What remarkable self-restraint!

It's Ben Bernanke.

Bernanke is the 56-year-old chairman of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the U.S., the most important and least understood force shaping the American — and global — economy. Those green bills featuring dead Presidents are labeled federal reserve note for a reason: the Fed controls the money supply. It is an independent government agency that conducts monetary policy, which means it sets short-term interest rates — which means it has immense influence over inflation, unemployment, the strength of the dollar and the strength of your wallet. And ever since global credit markets began imploding, its mild-mannered chairman has dramatically expanded those powers and reinvented the Fed.


Here are TIME's runners-up:

Runner-Up: Stanley McChrystal

Runner-Up: The Chinese Worker

Runner-Up: Nancy Pelosi

Runner-Up: Usain Bolt


Usain Bolt?

Here's TIME's "People who Mattered" list:

Neda Agha-Soltan
Glenn Beck
Lloyd Blankfein
Rahm Emanuel
Dr. Thomas Frieden
Jon and Kate Gosselin
Hamid Karzai
Adam Lambert
Jay Leno and David Letterman
Bernie Madoff
Alan Mulally
Barack Obama
Manny Pacquiao
Sarah Palin
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart of Twilight
Alex Rodriguez
Olympia Snowe
Sonia Sotomayor
Chesley B. (Sully) Sullenberger III
Taylor Swift
The Twitter Guys
Joe Wilson
Tiger Woods
Manuel Zelaya and Roberto Micheletti

Tiger Woods?

He must have been a last minute addition, to help sell some copies of the struggling magazine.

Same goes with the Twilight stars.

Actually, TIME has become more of a pamphlet than a magazine.

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