Thursday, December 3, 2009

Boxer: Climategate, E-Mail-Theft-Gate

Barbara "call me 'senator'" Boxer is bent out of shape -- again.

This time it's over the e-mails revealing the alleged manipulation of information about global warming by some in the scientific community.

Boxer doesn't care that the "science" supporting global warming theories has been exposed as fraudulent.

She's outraged over the hacked e-mails that uncovered the Climategate scandal.


From The Hill:
Leaked e-mails allegedly undermining climate change science should be treated as a criminal matter, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said Wednesday afternoon.

Boxer, the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said that the recently released e-mails, showing scientists allegedly overstating the case for climate change, should be treated as a crime.

"You call it 'Climategate'; I call it 'E-mail-theft-gate,'" she said during a committee meeting. "Whatever it is, the main issue is, Are we facing global warming or are we not? I'm looking at these e-mails, that, even though they were stolen, are now out in the public."

...The e-mails, from scientists at the University of East Anglia, were obtained through hacking.

..."We may well have a hearing on this, we may not. We may have a briefing for senators, we may not," Boxer said. "Part of our looking at this will be looking at a criminal activity which could have well been coordinated.

"This is a crime," Boxer said.

Barbara, Barbara, Barbara.

I don't recall Barbara getting upset about criminal activity related to Sarah Palin's private e-mail account being hacked.

I don't recall anyone on the Left being outraged about that.

I remember that the AP wouldn't cooperate with the federal investigation.

Criminal activity is criminal activity.

Hackers must be held accountable for breaking the law.

While I don't think it's wrong for Boxer to point out that the e-mails were obtained illegally, I think she comes off looking foolish by trying to avoid the explosiveness of the content of the e-mails.

If the hackers had exposed something that advanced the Left's agenda, Boxer wouldn't be calling them thieves. No way. She'd be calling them whistleblowers, heroes.

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