Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dana and Tracy Married: Facebook and Twitter

Dana Hanna and Tracy Page were married on November 21, 2009.

They sent announcements through cyberspace the moment they were joined together as husband and wife.

Dana explains on YouTube:
This was just done to be funny - we really don't Facebook THAT often :).

I have a lot of family scattered around the country and we all use Facebook a lot to keep in touch. So when Tracy and I were engaged, most of my family found out via Facebook because we updated our statuses.

I surprised not only my guests, but also Tracy by pulling out my phone and posting on Facebook and Twitter from the altar during out wedding.

I had her phone ready in my pocket, so when she asked for it I could hand it to her. No one knew about this except the minister, and myself.

I'm really surprised the minister went along with this.

The fact that this little joke is now on YouTube indicates some premeditation, making it seem more like a stunt staged for mass consumption and personal profit. I question whether Maryland software architect Hanna simply wanted to do something funny to share with guests invited to the wedding, and those family members and friends who couldn't attend.

Hanna's boss, capitalizing on his newfound fame, asked him to tweet a discount code for Next Day Pets, a pet supply Web site based in Edgewater, near Annapolis.

See what I mean?

Personally, I don't think the wedding bit was funny.

That's my reaction. Others find it amusing.

In any event, I wouldn't want the WORLD weighing in on my wedding ceremony and debating the appropriateness of my actions and commenting on my sense of humor. Apparently, Dana and Tracy don't mind.

Maybe they will regret posting the video on YouTube. Maybe they won't, but there are some very offensive comments on the post. It's kind of a creepy way to start a marriage, with strangers making profanity-laced remarks about you and your wedding.

That was their choice. I hope they're laughing about it.

I do wish them a happy life together.


Here's the Twitter post.

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