Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dennis Miller: Copenhagen Climate Conference

Dennis Miller gives his thoughts on the Copenhagen Climate Conference.

He elaborates on the hypocrisy of the global warming/climate change true believers and discusses the creepiness of Al Gore.

BILL O'REILLY: I don't think it can get any worse in Denmark. Could it get any worse over there?

DENNIS MILLER: You know, Bill, there's no more delicious irony on the face of the planet Earth than environmental protesters being led away in plastic handcuffs that have a biodegradability horizon line of like 40,000 years. Boy, that is sweet to me.

And, you know, I would tell the people in Copenhagen that a big problem that I and a lot of people have is the fact that they would even go there. If this is not an event made for a teleconference, when you're talking about burning fuels and when you're talking about all this, and you're talking about the new technology, some of us out here just want to see you hold a teleconference.

O'REILLY: Yeah, so you wouldn't waste all the money. You know, Prince Charles went over in his private jet. I think Al Gore was zipping around in his, Barack Obama go on Air Force One. But I asked this question of Hill, Marc Lamont Hill earlier: What do these protesters want, Miller? Why are they there? What do they want?

MILLER: They want to be in Copenhagen right now, number one. And secondly, Bill, you have to remember this is the easiest way in the history of the planet Earth to accrue immediate and unchallengeable, up to this point, nobility. All you have to do is use the simple alliteration 'I've gone green' and all of a sudden you matter.

But really, I just want them to stop. I'm not trying to be arch here. I'm not trying to be argumentative. If you really believe this, why would you guys do all this using energy? Why would you just not hold a blurring, granted, and you can't all be in the same city and acting like you're saving the world, but why not stay where you're at, use the technology available, and if you're serious about this, have a teleconference?

O'REILLY: Well, one of the reasons is news coverage, that they are getting news coverage by being there for two weeks. And the second reason is herring. As you know, Denmark is... you know, very fresh.

MILLER: Well, in this case, it's a red herring, Billy, 'cause this is... You know, they're gonna call the people over here who attend the tea parties that denigrating name. I'm gonna start calling them 'sandbaggers' because somebody's got start opening their eyes to the fact that, you know, global warming will be proved out ironically when hell freezes over.

O'REILLY: You know, but what amuses me, and I did talk with Hill about this as well, is that they actually want us to send billions of dollars to Zimbabwe to clean up the environment there, like they're gonna use it for that. Like, Mugabe is gonna say, 'Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah. Send those billions right in here and we'll put up a windmill.' Come on, I mean, who's kidding who here?

MILLER: Well, I think that Gore is starting to become a liability to that cause. The fact that he's like Col. Kurtz, he's gone up the superheated river now. He won't answer questions. He won't debate. He's starting to look a little, it's starting to look a little creepy. I'll be honest with you.

Up to this point, I thought he was sort of a bemusing doofus, but really he's starting to look a little bit more like Tail-Gunner Joe McCarthy to me. And they're gonna have those HUAC committees, instead of Roy Cohn you're gonna have Roy CO2 sitting at his right arm and you better name names when you sit up there. I mean, this is getting, he's getting a little weirder than I thought he would have gotten about this.

Miller is right.

Gore has reached a really creepy point. He's no longer the "bemusing doofus." He is exhibiting a weirdness that is bordering on nuts.

I think Copenhagen marks a tipping point for the climate change cultists and for Gore as well. The "science," the outlandish claims, all look goofy.

Have you no sense of decency, Mr. Gore, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


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