Thursday, December 3, 2009

Joy Behar: Tiger Woods (Video)

On The View, Joy Behar spoke out in defense of Tiger Woods' integrity.

He's not a "Right-winger."

Video, from Breitbart.

JOY BEHAR: The thing about this guy... Let me say this about Tiger on his behalf: He has never held himself up as one of these like pro-marriage, Right-wing kind of guys who is anti-gay and... In other words, the guy is not a hypocrite in his personal life.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK: So only Right-wingers can be hypocrites. That's the lesson we're learning today? What are you talking about?

BEHAR: It's like the Larry Craig Syndrome, you know, where the guy's tapping in the bathroom.

HASSELBECK: No, this is...

BEHAR: Meanwhile he votes against gay legislation. That is hypocritical.

HASSELBECK: Wait a minute...


BEHAR: Let me finish the freakin' sentence. Never mind.


HASSELBECK: It's not OK. It's not OK. It doesn't matter what your politics are, what you stand for. It's not OK. It's not OK to do that.

BEHAR: I'm talking about hypocrisy. That's what I'm...

HASSELBECK: How about 'I vow to you, I am married to you'? How about the hypocrisy in your wedding vows? How about that?

BEHAR: That's personal hypocrisy. I'm talking about societal hypocrisy. The guy is a hypocrite in his marriage.

There is some hypocrisy in terms of how Tiger Woods' image is marketed and his endorsements.

His upstanding, great guy, husband, and father image now seems extremely hypocritical.

He's not the man he wanted the public to believe he is. He profited from the false impression.

Serial adulterer wasn't previously among Tiger Woods' achievements.

Of course, there's public hypocrisy involved.

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