Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Democrats than Republicans See Ghosts

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has released an interesting study. The results run counter to the stereotypes of Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans and conservatives are so often ripped as being unsophisticated dolts by the oh so intelligent liberal elite. Their beliefs are ridiculed, particularly regarding religion and the spiritual.

Byron York, the Washington Examiner, points out that the Dems are the ones reporting more encounters with ghosts, speaking to the dead, and consulting fortunetellers.

York writes:
The report is not specifically about partisan differences, but the results of the study are broken down by party affiliation, among many other categories. And the news on that front is that Democrats are far more likely to believe in supernatural phenomenon than Republicans.

"Conservatives and Republicans report fewer experiences than liberals or Democrats communicating with the dead, seeing ghosts and consulting fortunetellers or psychics," the Pew study says. For example, 21 percent of Republicans report that they have been in touch with someone who is dead, while 36 percent of Democrats say they have done so. Eleven percent of Republicans say they have seen a ghost, while 21 percent of Democrats say so. And nine percent of Republicans say they have consulted a fortuneteller, while 22 percent of Democrats have.

There's more. Seventeen percent of Republicans say they believe in reincarnation, while 30 percent of Democrats do. Fourteen percent of Republicans say they believe in astrology, while 31 percent of Democrats do. Fifteen percent of Republicans say they view yoga as a spiritual practice, while 31 percent of Democrats do. Seventeen percent of Republicans say they believe in spiritual energy, while 30 percent of Democrats do.

What accounts for these differences?

The study doesn't say.

What is clear, however, is that it's time for the Leftists to stop belittling those on the Right for their religious beliefs.

Dramatically more Leftists are seeing ghosts and believing in astrology yet they so frequently demean Christians, mocking their faith.

I think it's simple: Believe what you want. Show tolerance. Respect others.

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