Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Obama: Worst Pitch of 2009

Obama's WORST Pitch of 2009

BEST Presidential Pitch of the Decade - George W. Bush


  1. That second video was very moving....those were the days, huh? Never thought I'd be nostalgic for that year (2001), as it was the worst I can remember in our history, but this video brought back the good part of that year, when we were united as a nation for a little while. My how things have changed, and I though Obama's election was supposed to bring us all togehter...hope and change. What a laugh. I can't even bring myself to watch the first video, as I know I'll cringe with embarassment.

  2. It is strange to look back on the autumn of 2001 and think of that dark time as a bright spot in American history, but the national unity then was remarkable. It was something I had never experienced.

    It all seems so surreal now.

  3. Daschle and his boneheads took care of the national unity. The Democrats couldn't afford national unity with a Republican as POTUS. Look it up.


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