Thursday, December 24, 2009

ObamaCare: $15,000 Annual Fee on Middle Class Families

The Democrats think of themselves as heroes.

They aren't.

Passing the Senate version of the government-run health care bill on Christmas Eve is a hard slap in the face to hard-working Americans.

The process to secure the votes for passage has been a disgrace. The corruption, the bribes, the senators whoring themselves -- it's been an absolutely disgusting display.

That's not the worst of what the Senate is doing. The Democrats shouldn't be proud, bragging about their historic achievement. They should be ashamed.

From CNSNews, here is what the Democrats have done to you:

The Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the final Senate health care bill indicates it would slap a mandatory annual fee of about $15,000 on middle-class families that earn an annual income greater than 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($88,200 for a family of four) and are not provided with health insurance by their employer.

On Dec. 19, the CBO sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) analyzing the fiscal impact of the bill the Senate is poised to vote on before Christmas.

The CBO analysis cites five basic facts about the bill that acting together would deal a devastating financial blow to many middle class families if the bill is enacted and enforced as written.

Here are these facts:

Fact 1: You will be forced to buy health insurance.


Fact 2: You will be eligible for a federal subsidy to help you buy health insurance, but only if you earn less than 400 percent of the poverty level ($88,200 for a family of four), your employer does not offer you coverage, and you purchase a government-approved plan in a government-regulated insurance exchange.


Fact 3: Your employer will not be required to offer you coverage, and will face a maximum fine of $750 per worker per year if it does not.


Fact 4: Your insurance provider will face new federal mandates that will increase its cost for any plan it offers you.


Fact 5: Your family insurance plan – if your employer drops your coverage and you are forced to buy it on your own —will cost about $15,000 per year when the legislation is in full force in 2016.

No wonder the vast majority of Americans are opposed to the Democrats' overhaul of our health care system.

Kiss your freedom of choice goodbye. Forget about quality care.

If you're in the middle class, prepare to get soaked.

This isn't what Obama promised, self-proclaimed champion of those living on Main Street. The Democrats are squeezing the people they say they are helping.

And about those death panels--

When government bureaucrats determine the availability of drugs and treatments based on their assessment of the value of a person's life, when life-saving procedures are withheld from people because their lives are considered by government bureaucrats to be not worth saving, that's a death panel.

Currently, patients, in consultation with their physicians and family members, make decisions about which courses of treatment are best for them. They are in control.

If Obama and the Democrats get their way, government panels will make those critical decisions.

You'll be powerless, exactly the way Obama and the Dems want you to be.

Sound good?

This Christmas Eve vote on the establishment of government-run health care is nothing to celebrate.

Scrooged on Christmas Eve... Very sleazy. Very sad.


  1. Merry Christmas We have our work cut out for us to save our country from sliding towards communism

  2. Our current non-system hits middle-class families with a much LARGER cost.

    Currently, three-quarters of a million bankrupcies occur in USA because of medical bills. Bankrupcy means either the debtor eats the costs of the unpaid debt, and passes those costs onto other borrowers, OR, the government pays the unpaid debts and recovers the money by taxing. Either way, it's the same effect as a tax.

    15K a year to fix this problem is a good deal. Bring it on!

  3. Apparently, Obama is now saying that he never campaigned for a public option! LOL! Can you beleive it?

  4. $15,000 per family that makes $88,000 per year will force that family to completely remake their lives. And, if this money is after tax $$ then this actually takes about a $25,000 bite out of their income.

    There are millions of these families. When this hits there will be chaos and panic.

  5. Do you fact check any source? The CNS numbers are considered to be highly inaccurate as is the letter they claim to have received. Second, the insurance companies have profited off the pain and suffering of Americans, without doing any bit of good using their own version of the so called death panels. The cost is not going to hit the average American under 88,000 because it is going to be placed on those within a higher tax burden. You're right that this isn't want Obama promised, no public option, but its far better than the republican counter offer.

    Next we can work on Global warming, and destroy the republican war on science.


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