Saturday, January 16, 2010

Belling: Sykes Should Run Against Feingold

Friday on his radio program, Mark Belling made the case that Russ Feingold is vulnerable.

As my readers know, that's something I have been saying for quite a while.

The Republican Party of Wisconsin needs to seize this opportunity. So far, it's not happening.

Now, as Belling pointed out, you can't make someone run if they aren't interested. He cited the near kidnapping of Tom Barrett by the Democrats to pressure him to be their candidate to challenge Scott Walker.

Barrett was smart to resist. He knows what a strong candidate Walker is, but eventually the weak Barrett buckled and agreed to enter the race, even though it's clear that his heart isn't in it at all. Walker is bringing an energy to his campaign that is contagious. Barrett, on the other hand, seems to be sleepwalking, a real dud.

The point is this: Reluctant candidates often make bad candidates.

So what's the Wisconsin GOP to do about the race for U.S. Senate?

The Republicans have to convince someone to step up.

I believe that Feingold can lose in 2010. Now is the time to get rid of him because as we're seeing in the Massachusetts election to fill the Senate seat previously held by Ted Kennedy, Republicans and Independents are energized. They are utterly dissatisfied with Obama and the Dems and what they've done since taking over a year ago.

Belling noted that the Republicans need to find a truly viable candidate to challenge Feingold. He said that he can't run because he just signed a contract. Sure. However, he did toss out the idea that WTMJ's Charlie Sykes should run.

Belling said Sykes has great name recognition. He has intellectual weight, thanks to the books he's written. Belling wasn't being flip about Sykes running. He was being completely serious. I think.

It's not going to happen, but I'd vote for Sykes.

I can't stress enough just how important it is for the Republicans to really make a run at taking Feingold's seat and get moving soon.

At this point, Wisconsin Republican officials are not giving proper attention to the U.S. Senate race nor are they recognizing Feingold's vulnerability; and it is royally pissing me off.

They can keep those mailings and fundraising appeals coming. The Republican Party of Wisconsin isn't getting a dime from our household until it gets its act together on the Senate race.

They aren't even trying to end this hellish, long, Wisconsin nightmare of Feingold and Kohl.

I can't stand it.

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