Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boston Globe Declares Coakley Winner

UPDATE: Boston Globe: In stunning upset, Scott Brown wins US Senate in Mass.

This is a major "Oops!" moment for the Boston Globe.

The Boston Globe posted a map online giving the FINAL results of today's special election.


Carly Carioli writes:

Boston.com briefly put up this map of the final results of today's election -- some 8 hours before polls closed!

As you can see, over 2 million people voted, with Coakley eking out a 50-49 victory.

The map was fully interactive, so you could roll over and get town-by-town results -- above we show Coakley taking Cohasset 56-43.

They took the map down shortly after I pointed it out on Twitter. But not before we Phoenix troublemakers got the screen shots!

Now, if the final numbers end up matching these, the Republicans may really have reason to question the integrity of the process...

If a conservative media outlet did the same thing but gave the final results in favor of a Republican, the Democrats would go absolutely ballistic.

Keith Olbermann would be fuming. Chris Matthews would be spewing unprecedented amounts of spittle.

Here are the screen shots from the "Phoenix troublemakers":


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